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Latest fitness regime

Martin Blank

Yeah your probably right the amount of guys posted out of date even after just completing a test by our mirror techs is beyond a joke....
We've even implemented our own fitness tested card as they don't do blue cards just so we have physical proof when the arguing starts

Drill Bit

The problem is that the policy can be implemented differently depending on each stn cdr. Look at the RAF News for 6 Nov, and the picture of Leeming's Stn Cdr on page 4 (he's the one on the far left). Can you see him putting his full weight :pDT_Xtremez_42:behind the policy, what with a muffin top, unironed trousers and what looks like a very strange and small left foot!:raf:

It's an interesting point you raise mate; however, the policy states how it "should" be implemented. It is to be managed at Flt Cdr level, with unit CO's (Wg Cdr) having the final 'get out' responsibility. Any deviation will lead to, quite rightly, a redress. The policy doesn't state that Stn Cdrs can enforce their own RAFFT policy; it's panservice.

Interestingly enough, the policy does not mention what action ,against offrs who fail the RAFFT, should be taken. That makes me uneasy; I have seen plenty of fellow offrs who can barely pass the time of day let alone their RAFFT. It is extremely important for offrs to lead by example and to fail/not take an RAFFT for anything other than medical reasons is unacceptable.

Little Tronk

That is COMPLETE BOLLOX !! (well as of 2 years ago)

Most of the unfit guys were sport billies who were always down the gym, doing station sport and expeds (i.e. AWAY from the workplace so others had to cover them)

As I said this is from 2 years ago but can't see that it has changed that much.......all the fat knackers that I knew (me included) always made every det (good and bad !!)

Crack on...................:pDT_Xtremez_09:

A plumber once asked an AVM if he was 'fit for purpose' as he goes on all dets and Ops and works his B***ocks off and always achieves.

'Yes' replies said AVM, 'yes you are well done'.

To which bombhead then says, 'Despite what I do, I can't pass that bloody bleep test...........am I fit for purpose?



Same old same old

Same old same old

If you want a fit force...start paying for one! you dont get anything for free in this world...and in that i include the whole lifestyle thing, better food, better living accomodation, more fitness led management instead of flying hours led management. i pass my test, but as i get older its getting harder i will admit !
24 weeks is enough time to get to a standard i am sure, but the new caveat of banning leave until you pass??? is that an official thing or locally led??


Warrant Officer
Having been downgraded for a lengthy period of time I failed my fitness test literally days after being upgraded again and immediately dragged into the gym by the PTI's. Although I only failed by around 3 shuttles the PTI advised me that I was obviously unfit for deployment. Having completed evry single OOA known to man since 1983 and having an ACSM on top of everything else I was somewhat annoyed by this remark. I asked him how many OOA's he'd completed to be told that he'd never been away. Cock! Let's face it, being able to run up and down like a rabbit on speed does not, and will never be able to show someone's fitness to deploy.:pDT_Xtremez_32:


Master of my destiny
If you want a fit force...start paying for one! you dont get anything for free in this world...and in that i include the whole lifestyle thing, better food, better living accomodation, more fitness led management instead of flying hours led management. i pass my test, but as i get older its getting harder i will admit !
24 weeks is enough time to get to a standard i am sure, but the new caveat of banning leave until you pass??? is that an official thing or locally led??

Where's that come from?


Master of my destiny
Having been downgraded for a lengthy period of time I failed my fitness test literally days after being upgraded again and immediately dragged into the gym by the PTI's. Although I only failed by around 3 shuttles the PTI advised me that I was obviously unfit for deployment. Having completed evry single OOA known to man since 1983 and having an ACSM on top of everything else I was somewhat annoyed by this remark. I asked him how many OOA's he'd completed to be told that he'd never been away. Cock! Let's face it, being able to run up and down like a rabbit on speed does not, and will never be able to show someone's fitness to deploy.:pDT_Xtremez_32:

The mention of OOAs is a good one. How many bods have been returned from OOA for being unable to do the job due to lack of fitness? I suspect very few.:0


Fitness testing

Fitness testing

The more I read of this new fitness testing policy the more I think that Mr Gilbert Blades and his like will be ordering new Rolls Royce’s - how can the Royal Air Force defend this unfair and unequal testing policy!
Whilst I agree that a good level of fitness is required within the Armed Services the current unequal level of provision throughout the RAF is unacceptable (ask the DE&S servicemen how much provision is provided!)
If it is now a fact that Officers do not come under the instruction, I am even more confident that Mr Gilbert –Blades will be ordering a convertible Rolls Royce, for summer use!
Furthermore whilst the RAF has disproportionately different levels between the sexes most of the civil emergency services have the same level! As an example :

Police Job Related Fitness Test
What does the Police Job Related Fitness Test comprise?
The Police Job Related Fitness Test comprises three components, each one testing a specific area of fitness. The component parts of the test are:
• Endurance Test (shuttle run)
• Dynamic Strength Test (push and pull)
15m Shuttle Run Test
The endurance section of the test is designed to establish how efficient the candidate's body is at taking in oxygen, transporting the oxygen and how efficient the body is at utilising the oxygen. This is established using a 15m shuttle run.
The 15 metre shuttle run is maximal and progressive, i.e. the test gets harder as it progresses, and you work to exhaustion. The test is run to and fro along a 15 metre course as and when indicated by the electronic bleep. You will start at one end of the gymnasium and you will run to the end line of the course. You should arrive at the other end of the course when the bleep sounds, turn 180 degrees and run back to the other end of the gym, again in time with the bleep. If you arrive at the line before the bleep has sounded you should stop, turn and wait for the bleep to sound before you start running. You should then adjust your running speed to ensure you reach the line when the bleep sounds.
If you fail to contact the line when the bleep sounds you will be given a first warning. If you fail to contact the next consecutive line on the bleep, you will be given a second warning. If you fail to contact the third consecutive line on the bleep your test will end.
However, if after the first or second warning you contact the next line on the bleep, your warnings are cancelled and you continue with your test. The warnings are there to let you know that you have fallen off the pace, and that if you wish to continue, you must increase your running speed.
You are not allowed to run around the line in a circle, if you do, you will be warned. If you continue to run in circles you will be called out of the test. You are not allowed to leave either end before the bleep has sounded. If you do so you will be warned. If you continue to leave early you will be called out of the test.
You are required to reach level 5 shuttle 4 to pass the endurance test. If you fail to reach level 5 shuttle 4 you would have failed the test as a whole. http://www.leics.police.uk/careers/1_police_officer/info/24_police_job_related_fitness_test/

Once again I want to repeat I think an improved level of fitness is a good thing but please be honest - is it a Health and well being incentive or a concerted effort to get the RAF (all and without exception) fit?


Making the Impassible Impossible

Making the Impassible Impossible

I don't understand what all the fuss is about, everyone I know who can't pass the FT pays someone else to pass it for them or is exempt somehow. As far as I can see if your kicked out for not passing its because you cant see a way around it lol

The RAF have brought this upon themselves, many 'unfit' people were happy to go on detachment but rather than loosing their job they opt for downgrading, can you blame them? I don't, not in this economic downturn.



Just to chip in - who said or where is it written that Officers dont fall under the same system for the Fitness Testing Policy.

Is this just ill informed drivel as I cannot see the RAF implementing a two tier policy like that - it just wouldn't pass muster.

From what I see you now have a few less chances before you get kicked out - seems fair to me. It isn't a hard test and some simple lifestyle changes is all that is required. Many will invest thousands on a car but nothing on their own body to keep it healthy. You keep a car for a few years but a body for life - the maths to me is simple.


Master of my destiny
Just to chip in - who said or where is it written that Officers dont fall under the same system for the Fitness Testing Policy.

Is this just ill informed drivel as I cannot see the RAF implementing a two tier policy like that - it just wouldn't pass muster.

From what I see you now have a few less chances before you get kicked out - seems fair to me. It isn't a hard test and some simple lifestyle changes is all that is required. Many will invest thousands on a car but nothing on their own body to keep it healthy. You keep a car for a few years but a body for life - the maths to me is simple.

I'm sure there's a spare pulpit around here.:raf:


Realist - no pulpit required mate but some common sense instead. All the dripping about this new fit test regime is just daft. Make a few simple lifestyle changes, eat a bit healthier and incorporate some execise into your life - the test is reasonably easy to pass, just requires a smidgen of mental toughness if you are a bit overweight or unfit.

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
I myself eat what I consider to be a healthy diet, don't over do the good beverages and exercise now and then, yet I had a struggle last time I ran up and down the gym. Yes I was recovering from man flu and really shouldn't have done it, but what the hell. There are others who adopt the attitude of doing it regardless and fail and they get fecked over, as opposed to the lazy tw@ts who pull a sicky and avoid the issue of being a fatty. If you ask me the system needs to sort these glass back, twisted sock drains on resources (unless genuinely broken but who can tell otherwise) and praise those who are willing/stupid enough to put the effort in regardless of ailments.

Just a thought, but I have had a beer so what do I know.........


Super Moderator
Just had this email through:

Just to make you all aware that everyone from ***** Wg will be due their fitness test in March and then again Sep 2010. If you are due a fitness test before March you will have to do it when due and again in March to fall in line with everyone else. If you managed to get a score in the light blue then you would only have to do the test once a year.

Now call me cynical, I can only see this being done because it makes the Mirror Techs lives easier when compiling Statistics. But why the hell should we be inconvenienced just to make their lives easier.

Also it will be interesting to see what will happen when I pass in February (when I am due) and then fail in March just for purposes of curiosity!
Realist - no pulpit required mate but some common sense instead. All the dripping about this new fit test regime is just daft. Make a few simple lifestyle changes, eat a bit healthier and incorporate some execise into your life - the test is reasonably easy to pass, just requires a smidgen of mental toughness if you are a bit overweight or unfit.

I totally agree. Last year i failed the test. I told myself that i wasn't able to make the new upgraded levels (for a late 20's guy at least) and sure enough i failed. It was the first time i failed and i was gutted and decided that i needed to change tack. I entered the remedial program and did more than the 2 mandatory supervised sessions each week. 6 weeks later and i passed at level 10.03. comfortable on the run but i'm useless at press-ups and really struggled to jump from 13 to 20 but just managed it.

I continued to keep running and started doing laps of the airfield and when i was posted at the start of this year i was pleased to see that fitness was a massive thing in my new section. Its really infectious and i'm doing more than before and eating better to suit.

I feel really good inside and dont feel guilty when i eat crap and takeaways. I know i will work off the lard. Its not a huge change to make, just difficult because it is a CHANGE and lots of people won't stretch themselves and push their comfort zone. Its a strength of mind and will that is required and this doesn't apply for military folk only.

How do athletes manage to keep going when they start out getting beaten in every race at the start of a possible career? Determination!

If you are injured then you are injured. If you invent mystery ailments to justify failing the test then you are letting yourself down. Take responsibilty for yourself and your actions and its never 'someone elses fault'. It's yours!

With love


I totally agree. Last year i failed the test. I told myself that i wasn't able to make the new upgraded levels (for a late 20's guy at least) and sure enough i failed. It was the first time i failed and i was gutted and decided that i needed to change tack. I entered the remedial program and did more than the 2 mandatory supervised sessions each week. 6 weeks later and i passed at level 10.03. comfortable on the run but i'm useless at press-ups and really struggled to jump from 13 to 20 but just managed it.

I continued to keep running and started doing laps of the airfield and when i was posted at the start of this year i was pleased to see that fitness was a massive thing in my new section. Its really infectious and i'm doing more than before and eating better to suit.

I feel really good inside and dont feel guilty when i eat crap and takeaways. I know i will work off the lard. Its not a huge change to make, just difficult because it is a CHANGE and lots of people won't stretch themselves and push their comfort zone. Its a strength of mind and will that is required and this doesn't apply for military folk only.

How do athletes manage to keep going when they start out getting beaten in every race at the start of a possible career? Determination!

If you are injured then you are injured. If you invent mystery ailments to justify failing the test then you are letting yourself down. Take responsibilty for yourself and your actions and its never 'someone elses fault'. It's yours!

With love

Good points but gym dodgers don't worry about letting themselves down because units fail to act and actually get the lazy sods to take part in any form of exercise........MAA? yeah right