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As it stands
18 years completed (almost)
Not a 'tradesman'
LOS 30 offer on my desk
Dont really know if i am looking a gift horse in the mouth.
Not really happy with job, mrs not happy with service life(it has changed a little since we met to be fair).

My thoughts have generally been 'Dont have a mortgage- want one soon so how can i think of leaving this well paid secure job'.(Escape is impossible)

Did some Maths regarding wages, pensions, gratuity etc. Realised my yearly defecit by not signing would be (btwn 22point and age 65) about £12k a year(taking into account 1 future promotion) Throw in MQ/mortgage change etc this may become £20k ish. So almost convinced myself leaving is doable (job each and free childcare - grandparents) and my hands were not as tied as first thought. (Escape is possible)

However - redundancies possible kerching/excited hand rubbing (12 years contract/to do)- Got to sign = no brainer.(Escape possible with extra cash?)

However - packages look crap (due to '3 years or more' to serve is top whack). So as i understand, if it was offered tomorrow on a 22 (4 yrs to do) I get same payout if i sign LOS30 and have 12 yrs to do.(

What do you think? Any help me at this crossroads is greatly appreciated.

Would you still get gratuity as well as redundancy pay off?

If PVR during LOS30 OR take redundancy do you lose major resettlement perks.

Ideally would love a meeting with Chief Clerk/Mystic Meg and a Financial advisor.



Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
You are almost in exactly the same bracket that I was in when the last round of redundancies were announced, except that I had taken the LOS 30.

There is a new DIN on it (there's another thread with a link), but in 2005 I would have walked away with £80K, and a £5K pa pension if I'd commuted. The figures today are not quite as generous, but you would still get (assuming you took the LOS30) 9 months salary, then a % of your gratuity and pension, depending on how much of the 22 you had completed by the time you are discharged.

If you are not happy with the job and your wife doesnt like the lifestyle then you are probably best leaving. Even if you dont get redundancy, you could still PVR at the 21 year point and leave with the lump sum and pension. There's no point turning down the LOS30 - all it is is security (and a possible payout!).

Soon To Leave

Proud To Serve
... and the 9 months salary would be tax free.

In your position I would sign on to LOS 30 (whilst its still on offer - it could be withdrawn). Only down side would be losing your right to a 'last tour' (which isn't guaranteed anyway).

If not offered or accepted for redundancy, just PVR. My guess is MWTs will be reduced some time soon.

Good luck, whatever you decide. :pDT_Xtremez_14:


Flight Sergeant
One other thing you 'lose' by signing on to LOS30 is you leave free and clear after 22, if you PVR on LOS30 you have a reserve commitment.

It is still a no brainer though, the RAF offer you a further 8 years employment, you offer very little in return other than getting to choose your exact leaving date via PVR.
sign on for LOS 30!
I'm in exactly the same position as you and just waiting for the medical before I accept. It guarantees you a job for the next 12 years, if you decide you want to leave after 22 with pension you can, just PVR.
Your resettlement is not affected if you PVR.
Thanks for your replies, they 've been great food for thought. I think i'm gonna sign.

I've also learnt that LOS 30 is'nt a prison sentence which was probably not the clincher but cheers anyway.

Appreciate you all - Thanks for your efforts

P.S. just heard the MOD civvies moaning they might or are going from 5 years pay to 3 if they get made redundant. Still beats 9 months max(albeit not by a massive amount)
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I was offered LOS30 in April 2009 but chose to leave in July 2010, just after the government changed and the country had to wake up and smell the coffee after Labour tried to spend its way out of trouble. Been unemployed ever since, even working at a chicken farm mucking-out. What would I give for a second bite at the LOS30 apple now! Yes, I might have still been attached to the army living away from home during the week, maybe even in Afghanistan right now, but instead I spend hours and hours looking for jobs, updating my CV and wondering what the hell to do with the rest of my life.
There is no Job Seekers allowance for anyone with a pension and no housing benefit should you have savings over £16K and my pension doesn't even cover the rent.
You have probably already decided what to do, but anyone in two minds right now had better also remember that the job market is about to be flooded by 17000 other military personnel all looking for similar work.
I have even offered to work unpaid for 3 months and been turned down!

Soon To Leave

Proud To Serve
One of my colleagues didn't sign on for LOS30 when offered as he wanted his 'last tour' first with the intention of signing in later. Current situation less than 2 years from his exit date at 22 year point he's been refused LOS30 as he turned it down previously (which they are totally at liberty to do in the current climate) and is now faced with the prospect of leaving the RAF.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
One of my colleagues didn't sign on for LOS30 when offered as he wanted his 'last tour' first with the intention of signing in later. Current situation less than 2 years from his exit date at 22 year point he's been refused LOS30 as he turned it down previously (which they are totally at liberty to do in the current climate) and is now faced with the prospect of leaving the RAF.

It's normal at any time to turn down a request for LOS 30 if not accepted without very good reason on the first time of offering. He/She made a choice and now has to live with the consequences (should've tried signing on during the surge)


Usual advice I give to people in your situation is to take the re-engagement. If you decide you don't like it then at least you can PVR.


Sorry to hear that Whitbycrab. Thanks for posting it though, you only tend to here about people falling on their feet. Food for thought there.