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Electoral reform

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
If Labour and the Lib Dems joined forces, they would have the Northern Irish SDLP (who sat on the government benches in the last parliament) and the one new Alliance MP who is allied to the Lib Dems. Together that's 319 votes. 307 Tories (the Thrisk seat isn't going to be anything else) + 8 DUP = 315 in opposition because the SNP and your Welsh lot ain't going to help them. The Green is going to vote on a case by case basis (and if PR is about, she would sign up in all probablity to the left). The Liberals would insist on the defeated leader of the Labour party to stand down, Maggie was kicked out while in a stronger position..

That would still mean a minority government and it would take very little to scupper any bills the government tried to introduce - more or less the position John Major found himself in.

Anyway, it appears that Broon has had another Gillian Duffy moment on the phone to Nick Clegg so Lab-Lib is definitely off the menu. So what does Con-Lib mean for us? The 2 parties have several policies in common but the media (and the David Miliband-led Labour Opposition, of course) will concentrate heavily on the differences, which includes foreign policy/defence. Will we start to pull out of Afghanistan in the next 12 months? Will the Navy lose Trident?


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
. That bitch was the Antichrist

.........and one that gave me a 32% pay increase in 1979, just as I made JT after getting outa Halton.

yeah, really hate that woman! (you migh reconsider as well if you were on what we were paid before she ascended to power)

I Look Like Kevin Costner

Grand Prix fanatic..
That would still mean a minority government and it would take very little to scupper any bills the government tried to introduce - more or less the position John Major found himself in.

Anyway, it appears that Broon has had another Gillian Duffy moment on the phone to Nick Clegg so Lab-Lib is definitely off the menu. So what does Con-Lib mean for us? The 2 parties have several policies in common but the media (and the David Miliband-led Labour Opposition, of course) will concentrate heavily on the differences, which includes foreign policy/defence. Will we start to pull out of Afghanistan in the next 12 months? Will the Navy lose Trident?

Major survived until the end of his term. As I said, it depends on the SNP/PC view on the matter. They hate the Tories and can well remember the 17 years of Tory rule prior to Labour.. Would they wish the Conservatives to rule AGAIN? Bets would be on a "no".
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.........and one that gave me a 32% pay increase in 1979, just as I made JT after getting outa Halton.

yeah, really hate that woman! (you migh reconsider as well if you were on what we were paid before she ascended to power)

Same for me. While I was at Halton my Mrs was summoned bythe Bank Manager to ask why I wasn't having all my wages paid into the bank. I was in receipt of housing benefit and my parents helped feed and clothe my kids. That was the reality of life for an SAC under Labour and pre Maggie. Yes that bitch really ruined my life!!!

John Lloyd

Warrant Officer


Master of my destiny
.........and one that gave me a 32% pay increase in 1979, just as I made JT after getting outa Halton.

yeah, really hate that woman! (you migh reconsider as well if you were on what we were paid before she ascended to power)

If i'm not wrong it was 35% in 79 (actually promised by Labour), followed by 15% the next year. It made wages a damn sight better than the agreed poverty before.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts


One, but not the only addmitedly, of the reasons UK manufacturing went down the sh1tter was because UK consumers, with the extra money Maggies taxation policy put in their pockets, went out and spent it on imported Japanese goods rather than British ones.

That's because the british goods were not worth buying, think city rover rather than nissan micra at that time.

Isn't this thread about electoral reform.

Sounds like bitching and moaning to me.

I'll put a pound on GB being no more by the GP after spain, and if he does walk then a Lib Lab group may appear.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Same for me. While I was at Halton my Mrs was summoned bythe Bank Manager to ask why I wasn't having all my wages paid into the bank. I was in receipt of housing benefit and my parents helped feed and clothe my kids. That was the reality of life for an SAC under Labour and pre Maggie. Yes that bitch really ruined my life!!!

Echo from me. One of the SAC's working with me at the time was paid so little that he got family income support and help with the rent etc. RAF wages for the lower ranks put you below the poverty line FACT. The blessed Maggie made a huge difference to the standard of living for many servicemen and their families. The greatest prime minister of my life time.
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Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Electoral reform

That pay rise was given by the labour party. They gave us the 3% in the April and the rest was promised in the June. In the meantime they had an election and she waltzed in and gave us the remainder straight away. What about all the crap pay rises after. We had one, one year which was in 2 stages 1/2% in the nov and 1% in the January. I think it was that year food and accom went up more than the pay rise, she did that a few times.
Question about PR?

Question about PR?

Sorry if this has been mentioned already but;

If the country goes down the PR route, when you go and vote you will be voting for a Party not the person, so when the constituencies are divided up you do not have a clue who your MP is going to be.

So would this be more expensive as the MP may need 3 homes, 1 for their family home, 1 for their constituency home and 1 for their work in London. No wonder the Lib Dems want this system.



Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Expense was something crossing my mind...How much does it cost to stage a general election and whatever it is we'll have to do it all again in the near future so its double! Good thing we are so flush at the moment....


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Expense was something crossing my mind...How much does it cost to stage a general election and whatever it is we'll have to do it all again in the near future so its double! Good thing we are so flush at the moment....

£100m apparently


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
And another thing...(I'm not drunk honest)

If Gordon Brown resigns (as he should do IMO) and we go back to the polls say by xmas who thinks Labour will do somewhat better without GB fronting them?

I know a portion of the Goat will wail about how voting isn't personality driven but for the segment of society who can barely read a manifest no matter understand it (people like Scaley Brat who by the cruel hand of God was born a druid) they do look at the frontman and if he looks like they would buy a car off him they will probably vote for him as well...


Warrant Officer
Expense was something crossing my mind...How much does it cost to stage a general election and whatever it is we'll have to do it all again in the near future so its double! Good thing we are so flush at the moment....

Most of the parties want another election in the near future like a hole in the head as their coffers are just as empty....With the exception of the Tories who will just get their tax dodging lordship to get his wallet out again.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Most of the parties want another election in the near future like a hole in the head as their coffers are just as empty....With the exception of the Tories who will just get their tax dodging lordship to get his wallet out again.

That wasn't exactly what I was referring to but its a good point all the same...Labour have enough money men to restock as well but the Liberals and the rest of the political flotsam may not...

Originally I was talking about the cost of polling stations, staff, facilities etc etc that make up a general election...


Flight Sergeant
..Labour have enough money men to restock as well but the Liberals and the rest of the political flotsam may not...

I don't think labour are that flush, the election cost them £8.5m the unions could step in but they would want some policy changes to stump up large amounts of cash. The liberals are the worst off, the tories wouldn't have many problems getting the cash off ashcroft, I think he gave them £5m.