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RAF Recruitment 2010?



Can anyone shed any light onto the current recruitment situation? I've currently looked into WSOp (aircrew), but was told it was over subscribed. Does anyone have any idea when the RAF may start recruiting again for this position?

Thanks in advance,

Reformed Scribbly


Contact your nearest AFCO. We are still processing candidates, so the sooner you speak to them, the sooner you can start with an application or alternatively look here.

Good Luck



Contact your nearest AFCO. We are still processing candidates, so the sooner you speak to them, the sooner you can start with an application or alternatively look here.

Good Luck

Thanks for that. I was playing on calling up today for further information etc. But thank you nonetheless.


Rang up today and they helped me out greatly. Said they will contact me once they start recruiting again etc.


Can anyone shed any light onto the current recruitment situation? I've currently looked into WSOp (aircrew), but was told it was over subscribed. Does anyone have any idea when the RAF may start recruiting again for this position?

Thanks in advance,

I'm applying for the same, well hoping to when the gate opens(!)...

Should be opening in October. However, its predicted to be after the Defence Review so who knows what could happen.

On the brightside it means loadsa time to prepare, run, read and calculate all us buddin' young hopefuls need to. :pDT_Xtremez_15:



I'm applying for the same, well hoping to when the gate opens(!)...

Should be opening in October. However, its predicted to be after the Defence Review so who knows what could happen.

On the brightside it means loadsa time to prepare, run, read and calculate all us buddin' young hopefuls need to. :pDT_Xtremez_15:


I phoned up today and was given a very vague indication that things would open later in the year (WSOP), however everything could change based on the SDR.

Is it just me or is anyone else a little frustrated with the lack of information about whats going on; specifically with regards recruitment waiting times from the RAF themselves?

The RAF website says that some trades are closed due to the number of applicants. Is the truth more along the lines that all trades are closed due to waiting for the SDR?

Most other services will all give loose waiting times (Police, Ambulance, Army, Navy) and allow the applicant to be informed, but yet the RAF seams unwilling or unable to do this.

I am fearful that those of us that are lucky enough to have instant access to the internet when the window opens will gain an opportunity to progress - those that find themselves at work at the time will not as all places will I expect fill extremely quickly.

Am I being unfair here or does anyone else share my frustrations?


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts


Welcome to the goat RM

I think at least the RAF are telling you the truth at the moment.

I think you'll find the other services you mentioned putting back their dates once all the government spending cuts have gone through.

Good luck, just make shure you're the first to reply.

Reformed Scribbly

The RAF website says that some trades are closed due to the number of applicants. Is the truth more along the lines that all trades are closed due to waiting for the SDR?

No, we are processing trades that are available.

Most other services will all give loose waiting times (Police, Ambulance, Army, Navy) and allow the applicant to be informed, but yet the RAF seams unwilling or unable to do this.

No, we do the same, if you contact your AFCO or have registered with the CIL you will receive updates every 2 months on predicted availability dates. What we do not want to do is to give you false hope, as we understand how frustrating that is.

I am fearful that those of us that are lucky enough to have instant access to the internet when the window opens will gain an opportunity to progress - those that find themselves at work at the time will not as all places will I expect fill extremely quickly.

Am I being unfair here or does anyone else share my frustrations?

Personally I think you are, but I understand why. We as recruiters had the same concerns for our candidates and so the CIL will notify individuals before trades become available so that they are ready for their application.

Each service recruits in a different fashion, for example you could go through the entire process with the RN, then be put on a waiting list for 18-24 months for the vast majority of their roles. If you are proceeding through the process with the RAF, that means that there is a post at the end of the process, should you meet the standards required and you could be in training within 3-6 months.

The SDSR is having a major impact on all three services. These are interesting times.


I know it is easy for me to have a wine about things.... and under no dissolution I am not the only person who is waiting.:pDT_Xtremez_06:

My frustration is out of desire; I will channel this into fitness and current affairs research in preparation.

One thing that is evident however. That is the direct impact that the SDSR is already having on service recruitment.

Positively, and in preparation for Selection Interviews;

Q1) With so much National and International topics available - what is the thinking of how many of both it is good to have a little more background knowledge about?

Q2) Similar to Q1 above but with reference to Service knowledge. Is it advisable to be able to demonstrate a Political appreciation (the drivers) behind airfield cuts, aircraft mothballing etc or simply know its happening?

Warwick Hunt

Persona Non-Grata
1000+ Posts
I know it is easy for me to have a wine about things.... and under no dissolution I am not the only person who is waiting.:pDT_Xtremez_06:

My frustration is out of desire; I will channel this into fitness and current affairs research in preparation.

One thing that is evident however. That is the direct impact that the SDSR is already having on service recruitment.

Positively, and in preparation for Selection Interviews;

Q1) With so much National and International topics available - what is the thinking of how many of both it is good to have a little more background knowledge about? You should research about 5 topics - which theya re is entirely up to you. As long as you can hold your own when the boarding officer asks you about them, and your opinions on them.

Q2) Similar to Q1 above but with reference to Service knowledge. Is it advisable to be able to demonstrate a Political appreciation (the drivers) behind airfield cuts, aircraft mothballing etc or simply know its happening?
As long as you are able to hold your opinions when the boarding officer grills you, then yes.


Going on what has been said earlier, I'm going to use this time to prepare myself physically and mentally. Even if it's slightly fustrating not knowing any firm dates for recruiting, at least I'll have plenty of time to get a bit fitter and practice the academical side of it all. blessing in disguise perhaps?


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I'll give you an insight into what the SDR could produce for one scenario for all you potential WSOp's out there...

If they scrap the MR4 project, which is a possibility, then that leaves a couple of hundred aircrew up at ISK without a job...The majority of them are WSOp (EW),(ACO) and Flight Engineers (which we don't train anymore)...If this was to happen then they will have to be dealt with...Some of the older guys will be lead outside the camp gates and shot out of kindness...The younger ones, unless they come up with a handsome redundancy package which is highly unlikely, will require reassignment...A small amount will be able to stay in trade on Sentry, Nim R1 and its replacement if that survives SDR, Shadow and Sentinel...A deal of the others will re-train into the crewman side of things as that is where the need is always the greatest...

Now we will always employ some new guys as we need the age spread to avoid future manning black holes but you can see how we will favour the already trained aircrew ahead of ab anitios to save money that is always in short supply...

Not a brilliant outlook and do keep trying but I feel its only fair to enlighten you on one possible scenario...


I'll give you an insight into what the SDR could produce for one scenario for all you potential WSOp's out there...

If they scrap the MR4 project, which is a possibility, then that leaves a couple of hundred aircrew up at ISK without a job...The majority of them are WSOp (EW),(ACO) and Flight Engineers (which we don't train anymore)...If this was to happen then they will have to be dealt with...Some of the older guys will be lead outside the camp gates and shot out of kindness...The younger ones, unless they come up with a handsome redundancy package which is highly unlikely, will require reassignment...A small amount will be able to stay in trade on Sentry, Nim R1 and its replacement if that survives SDR, Shadow and Sentinel...A deal of the others will re-train into the crewman side of things as that is where the need is always the greatest...

Now we will always employ some new guys as we need the age spread to avoid future manning black holes but you can see how we will favour the already trained aircrew ahead of ab anitios to save money that is always in short supply...

Not a brilliant outlook and do keep trying but I feel its only fair to enlighten you on one possible scenario...

Cheers for that. Very useful insight. Makes a lot of sense to be honest. I'm keeping my fingers crossed but not holding my hopes to highly. One postive aspect is, like you've said, WSOp crewman is always in demand, and this is the area I've been most interested in so far.

Any more insight or news would be much appreciated

Cheers again,


I thought that 75% of the Nim fleet was non serviceable anyway due to airframe and fuel system faults. According to air incident research conducted by the BBC, it would seam that the Nimrod fleets have always had issues staying in the air (or should I say being signed off to fly) due to air frame and mainly fuel system issues following the Falkland temp air to air refuel system upgrade now being constantly utilized (plus its a comet with rounded windows).

I do however take your point. Officially taking Nims out of service will then release all the crews (mostly WSOPs) for something else. I do however also see the most cost effective way to do this would be to retrain them on other aircraft roles within the trade specialty where possible and cut the EW side of recruitment if needed. I am of course wanting crewman (so no personal agenda here...

Personally. I think the SDSR will be financially driven, and will leave the services with little or no true capacity. The Coalition Government want drones and UAV's not planes and soldiers. I think we will have a more efficient services, but they will be less effective.

I think the final outcome is a simple arm wrestle between Liam Fox and the exchequer... I get the feeling Fox is buttering us up too much for bad news. He knows he's lost the fight already.

£37bn short over the next 10 years......

Olympics will end up costing how much (£3 to 9bn) plus policing costs of £1bn+... NHS IT project four years overdue and £6bn over. International Aid (Britain has given £8.7 million in development aid to Singapore), whose gdp is 4th in the world, and 46% higher than our own. DFID also paid £40.2 million last year to China, and £312 million to India, the largest single recipient of British aid.

"All budgets have pressure. I don't think there's anything particularly unique about the Ministry of Defense." (Osborne said, 2010)

I'll hope Liam Fox reminds him that it through the armed services Defends the Country including himself and the Government he is representing.

"Yes, there will be difficult decisions ahead – but I will never forget that defense of the realm is the first duty of any government." (David Cameron 2010).

Should someone please put these two people in a room together as they seam to be talking on different pages.

If we are cutting our forces based on future coalition force deployment and collaborating with other EU nations with regards defense... why not joint fund the Tridents with other EU nations. Or don't we trust them enough? (or don't they trust us?).

With every passing day - we see statements from top military brass condemning the cut proposals and now 25% of the Heli fleet could go! if that happens - not even Crewman will be recruited.

One thing I think everyone is missing is the British Industrial impact these cuts will have. cx'ing new kit and pulling equipment needing spares out of service will have an economic impact on British industry producing them... this leads to jobs cuts which leads to benefit claims... how much will that cost.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I thought that 75% of the Nim fleet was non serviceable anyway due to airframe and fuel system faults. According to air incident research conducted by the BBC, it would seam that the Nimrod fleets have always had issues staying in the air (or should I say being signed off to fly) due to air frame and mainly fuel system issues following the Falkland temp air to air refuel system upgrade now being constantly utilized (plus its a comet with rounded windows).

100% of the Nimrod fleet retired back in the Spring....They are now razor blades or museum pieces...:pDT_Xtremez_14:

So the crews left up there have been keeping their skillsets up in the MR2 sim and waiting for MR4 to arrive...
Last edited:


The RAF are going to have to recruit at some point, how many positions is up for debate; no-one can really be sure till after the review (if then even). How many positions become available should make no difference, if you want it bad enough you'll just work your a**e off to make sure its your place. :) I know if there's only one place going Im gunna have it! Its the only way to think atm.

The extra time is great too; should be 110% ready when the trade does open.

... let the games begin :pDT_Xtremez_15:



It seams the trade of WSOp is open or was yesterday. Managed to get my application in within 2 hrs.

What is the next stage; is it normally a letter or email to invite for filter interview and how long does it normally take?


It seams the trade of WSOp is open or was yesterday. Managed to get my application in within 2 hrs.

What is the next stage; is it normally a letter or email to invite for filter interview and how long does it normally take?

Before January it would have been an invite to a presentation at your local AFCO. I think that will still be the case but an aditional appitude test also has to be taken at the AFCO before the filter interview.


Before January it would have been an invite to a presentation at your local AFCO. I think that will still be the case but an aditional appitude test also has to be taken at the AFCO before the filter interview.

Are the tests anything like OASC or are they the normal Airmen entry tests? I can't locate any information on RAF Careers site to indicate this or whats expected.

Has anyone else submitted an application and heard anything yet?


Hi there, i applied the other day and im still waiting.:pDT_Xtremez_42: