Hiya , Mac .I have asked for my details to be removed from the site .It's a great pity , I could have contributed a lot , but there we go , some people cannot be wrong or do not like their little bit of authority challenged . I am also of the opinion that the site is far from divorced from the RAF Hierarchy----see the muddying of the waters when I mentioned the use of pensions as threats . They are also reading this , so if Super Duper Moderator is there , read this------------don't be a prat , don't call people names just because you fell out of your pram . I refer to the last post you made asking me to bloody go . Grow up . ----------------------
My email address , Mac is mikanmart@gmail.com . I would be happy to hear from you .
Jet M
My email address , Mac is mikanmart@gmail.com . I would be happy to hear from you .
Jet M