hiya mate, no probs. sorry its took me so long too, been a bit busy tho..ive decided to go for it and applied yesterday so just waiting to hear from them now...really looking forward to it now to be honest. thanks for your advice, its mostly what i was thinking anyway regarding fitness (no probs there) and letting the bull**** go over my head, again no probs there, i'm good at that, prob an age thing aint it? as far as the young lads go i reckon i'll be ok there too, ive just trained my cousin up for the army (he passed selection yesterday) and i also spend a lot of time with my bro who wants to be a fireman (i'm training him too) and their 17 and 18 year olds so i should be fine...how long does it take to get in? how long am i looking at realistically...thanks again for your help mate.