Hi Son,
I have access at work to the "Goat". The phone line is now up and running. Has your cell phone number changed as it was ringing out and not going to answerphone whe I tried. Have not found a package yet for cheaper calls. I've managed to get hold of Sarah on landline though, so she is up to speed. Give me an email to my gmail acct to confirm please. Do you have skype on your laptop? Regards Dad
I have access at work to the "Goat". The phone line is now up and running. Has your cell phone number changed as it was ringing out and not going to answerphone whe I tried. Have not found a package yet for cheaper calls. I've managed to get hold of Sarah on landline though, so she is up to speed. Give me an email to my gmail acct to confirm please. Do you have skype on your laptop? Regards Dad