Hiya Vee2
Sorry to hear you little girl is sad. you mentioned she is a twin, but the otherone isn't bothered- don't worry about it. Me and my sis (we're identical twins) are the same. My dad always worked away when we were young and she was devistated, but i was never really bothered (i was reading through our reading logs- there were lots of "daddy is away so K won't read this week" type comments) We always had a photo up on the wall and dad would record a story/ talking letter for us and that really helpped. and other thing is we use to leave a light in a window burning when it was dark- might sound silly but it helped
daddy would always be able to find his way home (deffo a good thing when he was in scary places!). I'm in the desert at the mo and the guys i'm out with keep getting letters form the letter pack thing, you can get them from the adminers or psf. it makes letter writing muh easier, they like getting them too :O)
hope you both feel better