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Search results

  1. R

    Spending Review

    Does anyone else have the view that these so called cuts are simply tinkering around the edges? If they (successive governments) had slashed the QUANGOs as promised, the savings could be enough to wipe out the deficit in year one and pay off the debt within 10 years and thus returning to a...
  2. R

    Hope we don't see more of this.

    I hope we don't see more of this. It needs to stopped sharpish. Clicky thingy
  3. R

    Another example of how we've been sold down the Euro river.

    If these brass necked b@stards get away with this, there really is no proper justice and we are totally barking to allow it, get us out of the EUSSR. Linky thing.
  4. R

    Pensioners to take 'temperature tests' before receiving winter fuel allowance

    More ammo to confirm that the EU Gubment is completely barking! Linky thingy
  5. R

    World's hottest curry

    Check out the video in this link for the World's Hottest Curry, talk about masochism. Nice disclaimer at the bottom of the page. Linky Thingy
  6. R

    Out of touch politician...again!

    What a w@nker. Insulting to the general population. Clicky thingy
  7. R

    Hosepipe ban

    Now then, the hosepipe bans have just come into effect (in spring FFS). How is it that we can't manage our water system properly? Yes, we know a substantial amount leaks away before getting to the tap, however, this water doesn't evaporate (and if it did it would return via the normal...
  8. R

    Unable to open a file

    I'm trying to open a file from a usb stick but when I open the folder, the only file in there has a name PK then what looks like a couple of symbols from the cyrillic alphabet. It won't open, any ideas? FIA.
  9. R

    Speeding MP

    MP tries to avoid points on his licence. The full story is here , over 8 years since the 'offence'! If he'd put his hands up then, he wouldn't be in danger of losing his place on the the gravy train now. T1t!
  10. R


    Heard a snippet this morning from an ex colleague, apparently from a visiting AOC, that the new pension scheme would include compulsory crossover and there would be no immediate pension at the 22 year point (wait until you're 65) and they would brace themselves for an uncontrollable exodus. No sh1t!
  11. R

    Good deal for the taxpayer?

    So, Richard Branson has bought Northern Rock for half the cash that the taxpayer paid for it. Apparently it's a good deal for the taxpayer according to the Chancellor. With economics like that, there's no wonder that the country's fecked.:PDT_Xtremez_09:
  12. R

    A new low

    On the Beeb news a few minutes ago. Thieves are stealing the metal plaques from war memorials to trade in for scrap! This is a new low for the scum that perpetrate this heinous crime. Which scrappies are receiving these plaques? Anyone involved with this are utter lowlife and should be hung!
  13. R

    These criminals wonder why folks are sick of politics.

    I hope she get's locked up for yonks. However, she'll get away with a short term but get to keep the proceeds, flipping your second home 3 times in 4 years! Linky thing. :PDT_Xtremez_32:
  14. R

    EU cash drain

    Why do we pay these people to interfere in everything? Linky thing We should pull out of the EU and leave them to it.
  15. R


    Is it time that our Westminster oxygen bandits fully tackled the immigration problem? Linky thingy
  16. R

    Thanks for all the fish.

    A new dawn. It’s my 1st day as an ex-serviceman and my 50th Birthday. After 33 years and 50 days in the RAF, it’s time for ventures new. All I can say is that it’s been a right blast and I have thoroughly enjoyed and kicked the @rse out of it. I have had the good fortune to work with some of the...
  17. R

    How many more to request a handout?

    Another reason to pull out of the EU. Linky thingy
  18. R

    Government responsibility

    Given that Labour were blaming the previous Tory stewardship for everything that was wrong with the country right up until their last of 13 years of government. How long should we give the present lot before they can drop the "it's all Labours fault for reckless spending and handing over an eye...
  19. R

    Liven up F1

    light hearted b0llox but amusing nonetheless...Linky Thingy :PDT_Xtremez_19:
  20. R

    Certificate of Service

    Anyone on here have an idea where the Certificate of Service is generated and where it comes from? Thanks in advance.