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  1. G

    TG1 Retention again

    Back to to Supp 3 for the Armourers too, about time really.
  2. G

    TG1 Retention again

    Thats good for you, congrats. But in the RAF the list of people in the Engineering Profession who actually need a Masters Degree with the attached Chartered Engineer status is about as long as my little toe in the grand scheme of things. The actual list is there for all serving to see on the...
  3. G

    TG1 Retention again

    I'm gonna go against the grain and agree with muttywhitedog, we are hardly engineers. I mean the Reds have proven none TG1 SP can do Flight Line work with the trial a few winters ago. The clue is in the name on the RAF Careers site, we are Technicians. Before the old and bold on here wahh...
  4. G

    TG1 Retention again

    Same in our office, with the 'Mouthy Unsackable Cpl' and 'Wheres the money gone' being popular topics. Along with the insane amount of emojis that randomly get added from various ranks across the RAF to add to the hilarity.
  5. G

    TG1 Retention again

    The EPAT Teams page is a brilliant read when it comes to people talking/moaning/being a mouthy cpl (My personal fave) about the FRI, it's like E-Goat but with less retired old people who haven't seen the Air Force in years.
  6. G

    TG1 Retention again

    Already done it and served my RoS, I was lucky enough to be under one of the first users of the scheme. Smashed out my Foundation Degree and had the max allowed completed through Recognition of Prior Learning. I finished my RoS last year. But you're right, previous FRIs or anything to recieve...
  7. G

    TG1 Retention again

    It may mean a lot to some, but I'm happy where I'm at as I still have over 5.5 years to go. I'll take it and then crack on to my pension point. I'm half way up the Sgt pay scale, I've completed the free foundation degree scheme offered by EPAT and I've applied for the top up to Bachelors. I'm...
  8. G

    TG1 Retention again

    They promised an answer by the end of the month, so only a few days to go. Latest rumour (Who doesn't love a good rumour) I've heard is from a mate of a mate, who met an SP in a bar who works at the EPAT team. £30k taxed which is split into 2 payments, announced this month and can apply via...
  9. G

    TG1 Retention again

    That changed at Brize, very much enjoyed having 12 days off for 4 days leave as an SAC. Could even have another shift off too for more cheap leave. Once you asked for a third shift off though, you were put onto Day Shift and you got 3 weeks off, for 15 days leave as standard.
  10. G

    Direct Entrant FS and WO? Would it work?

    It would be massively dependant on the profession, would you have an ex Tesco manager with a degree in leadership & management signing off reds and greens for aircraft? (I understand a lot more would go into it, requiring maybe engineering/worthiness backgrounds etc) I'd like to think not. But...
  11. G

    Ex Red going down.

    I am aware of this, during my time there was quite a serious loose article incident which resulted in restricted flying controls during a training sortie. (Ironically for the Wg Cdr in question above who was a Flt Lt at the time during his first Reds tour) The whole thing unfurled into a Human...
  12. G

    Ex Red going down.

    The Reds do need binning off, this is coming from someone who even worked on them (Be it for a short time). My first tour was on the Reds as an AMM, back when the RAF did the massive recruitment push for Techies in 08/09. You couldn't apply for it as a posting at first from Cosford, you just...
  13. G

    TG1 Retention again

    I'll give you that one, I've just re-read it and it does indeed say Technical FRI.
  14. G

    TG1 Retention again

    I've heard £25k and £30k rumoured too. Given the specific wording of the letter saying "Engineering Retention" (The Engineering Profession) and TG4 being called the Compu-Global-Hyper-Mega-Net-Cyber-Space profession this week. It may not be referring to that one, but it would be nice.
  15. G

    TG1 Retention again

    So it seems there was a meeting of sorts, some things got discussed which were along of the lines of: Yes there's an FRI and it should be higher than the last one Eligible to all TG1 Cpls to WO 3 Years RTS Split into 2 payments Potential techie pay model in 2025 No figures announced this side...
  16. G

    TG1 Retention again

    Honestly don't know, but when a JNCO I know gets told they are in the 150s and the try again next year chat when the board gets released. To then being invited into the wobblys office for the congrats chat the other week tells me they are flying through the Mech numbers.
  17. G

    TG1 Retention again

    Mech Cpl to Sgt board now into the 150s, I guess thats one way of filling the gaps. Promote everybody!
  18. G

    Accommodation in the news again

    Had a few cold nights in the TMS towers at Marham, with the joys of Blue Roll as toilet roll in the bathrooms. They had portacabin blocks at Brize in 2012/2013 to sort out the juniors block issues and stop people living in the gateway, I moved into one after 3 months in the gateway and there...
  19. G

    TG1 Retention again

    Yup, doesn't really change anything I think. TMs/Rects become FS, FS Shift becomes WO2 and WO1 is the Sqn WO. New FS is paid the current Chf Tech Pay scales, WO2 is paid the current FS pay scales and WO1 is still the same. Stay in guys! You'll get promoted! But get no extra pay.... Had the...
  20. G

    TG1 Retention again

    I believe it was sent to all attendees and engineering WOs by the EPAT guys, it's slowly filtered its way down through our workplace. The 2 letters to Engineers from the Deputy CAS are on the EPAT page, or also in the presentation.