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Search results

  1. Forestfan

    Wisdom teeth.

    Never heard of that, but never had to have mine out; 30+ years!
  2. Forestfan

    Falklands 2.0

    The Argies don't have anything they can tank from, so to get to the Falklands and back will be stretching things. More about upgrading and posturing than a threat I think.
  3. Forestfan

    TG1 Retention again

    It's the RAF's money so to speak, not more coming from HMT. The only reason they're involved is that the amount to be spent is too large to be authorised by anyone in Defence including SoS. So it's bureaucratic bollocks/audit process holding up the decision.
  4. Forestfan

    TG1 goodbye Chf Tech

    According to EPAT (old=Trade Sponsors) it's to cut out those occasions where a FS gets outgunned by a RN or Army WO2 when operating in similar roles in the joint environment, i.e JHC, F-35, and for clear parity when working with NATO forces. Not worked in those areas so can't comment about...
  5. Forestfan

    TG1 Retention again

    Gilbert, mostly correct - the REQUEST for FRI is now with Def Sec , then Treasury, then AFPRB. Everyone under Def Sec has done their bit and supported it. Announcement hopefully by end Jan.
  6. Forestfan

    Top Guns - Inside the RAF

    Thought-guided weapon system....
  7. Forestfan

    Ex Police

    Well done, hope you're going somewhere you want to be!
  8. Forestfan

    Who has the most medals?

    Heard at a brief on Friday it's still under review, and it's apparently aimed at those with 6 or more. Don't shoot the messenger!
  9. Forestfan

    F35 down

    Does indeed!
  10. Forestfan

    F35 down

    Completely sensible idea Spearmint. Easily directed with a 2(R)1 update or even an AESO. I do hope the concerns previously raised come out...
  11. Forestfan

    Ex Cobra Warrior, Waddington

    Only at the end-of-show party....
  12. Forestfan

    Protector Super Techs...

    "Seems sensible to have one person do the job of many in these cash strapped times." But sadly Cornish, that usually comes with reductions in personnel as we all know!! And the aircraft tech will be able to fix their own GSE soon as well!
  13. Forestfan

    Penning up tool checks.....

    I would certainly be encouraging my SEngO to fess up to Level K that there's an issue - quickly followed up by what we were going to do about it. Far better than getting caught covering up.
  14. Forestfan

    Penning up tool checks.....

    What else do you think they're just penning up....are you considering that? You may have cultural issues. I'd consider an immediate education piece to baseline the standard, provide a clean sheet, and give the team a chance to tell if something doesn't work. You should have an order or...
  15. Forestfan

    Sgt Geoffery Reynolds RIP

    A great source of guidance to this very young and green LAC at Cranwell, and instructor par excellence while on FT at Cosford. Lovely man, RIP Geoff.
  16. Forestfan

    Techie bonus

    As am I. Then we're stuck with what we've got - at least there may be a techie bonus. Nothing is going to change without giving something up in return. I wonder where the estimated £8.3M cost of the bonus is coming from if it's signed off....
  17. Forestfan

    Techie bonus

    The trouble is, as has been discussed, is if you penalise the software writer/instructor/QA etc person, then you struggle to fill those roles. So somebody gets pinged and eventually leaves through job dissatisfaction, or because they're living in shit accommodation on PAYD away from the family...
  18. Forestfan

    Should MT pick you up from home for DWR purposes?

    Babcock have the entire MT contract now. Welcome to the new way of doing business that our Lords and Masters have put upon us. (BTW in 2017 my unit MT came 20 miles to get me then went back past the Unit to get to Brize so it did happen before.)
  19. Forestfan

    Jordan Brown - help a serving Gunner

    Morning all, Really good lad from Honington, young family, now in the fight of his life and needs help to fund it. Have a read and please chip in if you can. https://www.gofundme.com/jordan-brown-fighting-together Cheers and thanks, FF