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Been there, done that, they all speak funny and they're all related to each other. A bit like Moorpark.
Some of us are visiting, but won't be sleeping on the floor, because we booked accomodation last year:PDT_Xtremez_30:
The floor was very comfy. Thanks to the PTIs who decided that a sign asking us not to sleep on the crash mats would have the same effect as removing the mats from our reach.

And 70 guys using one sink and mirror first thing in the morning!!!!
From what I heard the gym was not helped by some people who decided to get up at 0500 - no idea why since the earliest we were all on parade was about 0845.

Quote of the weekend:

Airman: Flight, what dress are we in?

Flight: Given that the Queen is going to be present, we thought we might go with No1 blues (or words to that effect).

From what I heard the gym was not helped by some people who decided to get up at 0500 - no idea why since the earliest we were all on parade was about 0845.

Quote of the weekend:

Airman: Flight, what dress are we in?

Flight: Given that the Queen is going to be present, we thought we might go with No1 blues (or words to that effect).

And being drilled by genuine TV superstar Richard Nauyokas :PDT_Xtremez_30:

You got duff gen there though. First bellends started to move at 0430!!!! At 0530 I decided to get up as it was impossible to sleep due to the sound of everyone moving about. ****s.

Well done to the 600 officer who managed to get the old colours across that parade square without being taken off his feet. He was a big lad but the last rehearsal I doubt I was not the only one who thought that he was going to get picked up taking him and his WO escort back.