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Aircraft Wash Team and FLMs

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Of course, if you click the vid once playing it opens in a new window, then click HD....
Wonder why they decided to include the firemen...er, fire fighters...errrrm, Fire and Rescue Service team members or whatever they're called this week?

I think they are from Delta Jets based at Kemble but I suppose to keep the septic market happy the stars and bars had to feature heavily. I don't think it is the first time, didn't Fatboy Slim do much the same with a Hunter in his 'Bird of Prey' vid?

strange question to ask

strange question to ask

although that was a mighty fine video, are they real signals?

You are right - it was filmed at Kemble about a month ago as i saw them whilst me and the little one (daughter) were heading for the cafe /restaurant next to the ATC tower for a bite to eat.
oi Jimps- there was at least one person like that marshalling you when you were still in- I still remember Banja Luka you know! LOL
Shouts, if I could have got you marshalling dressed in one of them outfits I would have stayed in!!!!!

So what exactly is it you think you remember from Banja Luka..................

a highly excitable GE on top of a K! LOL

have you seen the naked liney calender hanging around?
Another really good wash team.

Another really good wash team.

Another really good wash team. The soundtrack really grates though, the Ruskies are just so sixties.

It seems that the Aussie trolley dollies don't like it though, that surprises me as you'd have thought that their general culture would be a little more forgiving. LINK
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