All this TG3 and 11 moan moan is bullsh!t
Do you really think that the board and pre board team really give a fu*k what you are?
Your assesed on your performance and potential and then they compare you to everyone else, put you in order and thats it!
Absolutley fu*k all to do with your previous trade.
Get over it!
Rant over.
Off Topic
But this is the big gripe - There are jobs still purely for the techie stream. Why? What is so special about these posts that require someone special?
Surely if someone is skilled and talented enough to become a SGT within 9 years, they can understand a bit of Electronics, systems, electrical safety, QA, Radar theory, etc etc
The board don't take into account the working regime. If you are running a helpdesk or a primarily admin job with a few sacs on days, it allows all sorts of downtime to do other stuff, whether thats write up some more TOR's or organise a FD trip. All which tick the boxes oin the preboard. If you are out on the ground fixing faults,working extended or out of hours, as CPLs are required to do now we are JT less, or on intensive courses for OOA or as part of your job there is a lot more disruption than sitting looking pretty at a desk making your RO's brews.
We all know we seem to grade our people honestly and that ex 11 all seem to have books and spend hours making scotes sound like angels. They take pride in trying to get people picked up, whereas I have come accross lots that seem to worry about the future competition?
We don't think people are really ready after a year to deserve a high recomendation yet I have seen many from the other side who stay on highs over the promotion period.
When you have excellent potential SGTs from the TG3 stream having to wait over 8 years in rank and 20 years in the RAF, but see ex 11 getting it after 3 in rank and 9 in total it should be looked at.DT_Xtremez_09:
Or we should be allowed to bear a grudge and whinge and moan about it withhout being told we are making it all up???DT_Xtremez_19: