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Army to RAF Transfer

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Good evening. I am a serving WO2 AQMS in the REME and would appreciate some advice.

I am exploring my options with regards to transferring, in particular as a Officer in the RAF. The big question is would I transfer as a DE or LE (please don't think I'm assuming it's my god given right due to my current rank, I don't)? I am currently 33 years old and I have a BEng Hons in Engineering Management so meeting the minimum standards on paper seems no issue.

Any thoughts you could share would be greatly appreciated.

Try talking to the Engineering branch (AS) trade advisor (you can find their details on Modnet). They will give you an idea about what they are likely to agree to. There is the Commissioned Warrant Officers scheme but that is normally for personnel at OR9 level. I am aware of a REME chap who used it last year but I can't remember if he was a WO1 or WO2. If that option is available to you, then it's a specialist team from Cranwell who would deal with the application. They arrange the selection interviews, your current med cat is accepted and so is your Fitness Test. If successful, the course is currently 2 weeks.