I fully appreciate this BJW, but if the MoD puts so little store by such qualifications why do they continue to push them to recent Logistic Officer Graduates and almost require MSc/MBA's as a given to achieve Wg Cdr/Gp Capt?
As a trade we now have a cadre of NCO's and WO's who have 'developed themselves' and are not used in any constructive way to better the trade/Service, surely a missed opportunity to bring together hands on experience with proven/measured academic learning and knowledge, no commercial would look this gift horse in the mouth and say no we don't it! In particular as we try to bring the three Service logistical systems together into one way of doing business?
Just a thought
I am not sure what quals are being pushed to LOT students, but a glance at the Air Force List for Logistics officers (wg cdr and below)reveals only 69 of the 607 listed as having post nominals - perhaps someone has decided to improve (!) the gene pool. You are right that those who get off their backsides and obtain quals are not exploited and perhaps this is a missed opportunity - a moot point though.
My perspective is that a degree, or any other qualification is only a measure of an individuals ability work hard and to absorb information and regurgitate it or (occasionally) apply it when required. We have had a number of very well (academically) qualified officers really screw up the trade in recent years by trying to convert
theory to reality.
Theory said that we could close all forward stores and provide a better service by bolstering the delivery service. So we closed all the forward stores and were refused the resources we needed to bolster the delivery service or adequately manage the Kanbans- theory 0, reality 1.
Theory said that we didn't need to hold anything on the shelf because we could contract for Just In Time delivery. Unfortunately the contractors were no more willing to have shelves full of dead money than the MoD were - theory 0, reality 2.
Theory said that if we measured the reverse supply chain performance (U34 rate) we could improve it and save £££. Unfortunately this was the same theorist that told us to withdraw the people from the forward stores that would be hastening the returns; the result was some very nice graphs and a huge increase in U34s - theory 0, reality 3.
I am ranting now and could go on for a long time, so I will stop and go have a lie down. Suffice to say I would want a (mature) graduate working for me not because of the specialist learning he could bring but because of the work ethic, drive and determination he/she is likely to have. I remain convinced that the RAF is just too big and to hierarchical to ever get the full benefit - if there is any.
P.S. I was reading this weekend about the head of HMRC and his qualifications for the post. He has only one degree - in f***ing Latin!