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BT home hub


Somewhere else now!
Anyone else have the BT home hub?
I have and its a pain in the arse when it wants to be!
It has the home hub phone and my normal phone is plumbed in through the DSL filter.
Now, at the moment I dont recieve calls on my home phone. If I ring my home phone from my mobile you hear it ring once and then connect and click lots. The home phone itself does not ring!!!
If I ring the home hub phone its fine. It rings etc etc.
If I plug my home phone straight into the Bt wall socket without the broadband/home hub being connected it works fine. Plug it back into the DSL socket and it wont ring!!
BT were no help at all. To me its obviously the home hub that is at fault. BT said to get a local engineer to check out the phone line in my gaffe as the BT socket is not at fault. Well the phone line appears fine as the home hub phone and internet works.
Has anyone else had this problem?
You dont realise it until you get a text from someone saying jeez! you still on your home phone?!!


Trekkie Nerd
Just a quick thought, have you got your DSL filter connected to the LJU where the phone line comes directly in to the house, not on an extension. I had a similar problem and had to get a BT engineer in to resolve the problem. Apparently, in the rented house I am in, we did not realise that an LJU located at the front door was, in fact, an extension of a multi-socket LJU in the kitchen which was where the phone line feed came directly in.

Hope this helps.


Have you this?


True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
I've got the home hub, and although I haven't had the problems you've had MrM, it's not been a smooth ride either. The hub phone works just fine, now. It took a couple of months and several calls to some bloke in Bombay to get it sorted. The landline is pretty much useless because I have to shut down my PC completely to have any degree of sound quality.

I'm also paying nearly 3 times what I was advised when I got it, but I'm stuck to the 12 month initial contract for a little while yet.


Thoroughly Nice Chap
As was mentioned earlier, it seems that you have a duff DSL filter or the Hub/filter is not connected via the main socket to your house.

Have you tried a new filter? The other option is to get BT to fit a dual socket to your bt line. It will come out of the wall with an individual slot for DSL and BT line.

freudian slip

i had a similar problem and after several calls to bangladesh call centre found the solution in the home hub set up. you need to go in an dconfigure which phone you want to ring. i am now set up for making outgoing calls on the hub and incoming calls all received on the home phone but you can have it however you want.
hope this helps.


as a BT Fusion customer i have the fusion hub, which is similar to the home hub (white one pictured above). When i 'upgraded' my BT broadband they sent me a new white homehub.... total peice of crap.. non compatible with BT fusion until we were sent an adapter which took over 6 months to appear, so until then i was advised to continue to use my 'old' fusion hub.

So when the adapter arrived i duly plugged in the homehub, and would it work... would it as heck like, couldnt get the fusion to work with the homehub and couldnt get a stable wireless connection whatsoever unless the laptop was 2 feet from the hub.... bit pointless being wireless if im 2 feet away....

after many calls to india and 2 more home hubs arriving im now back to my 'old' fusion hub which works fine, well 90% of the time.... :PDT_Xtremez_08:


Somewhere else now!
Yes Mad M, i have one of those white jobbers.

My BT socket is near the front door so I have to have an extension through to my living room. It is the only BT feed into the house.
It was set up as per the instructions but whenever the landline was rung it would knock off the internet connection. Not an advertised feature of broadband! I altered the set up as advised by Apu from the Kwik E Mart and plugged the landline into a DSL filter instead of the home hub. Landline then worked fine.
Recently its been a pain.
I have tried each and every permutation of the home hub manager phone set up to no avail.
I can plug my home phone into the bt socket direct and it works. If I plug it directly into the extension lead it doesnt work. But........the extension lead allows me to go online and allows me to use the home hub phone.
Puzzled? I am!!!
Whats at fault?
Seems like I'll have to get a new extension lead to start with as recommended by a friend of Apu's.
Its weird because if I ring on my mobile I can hear the 1st ring on the other end. Then it clicks and goes a bit staticky like. The landline phone itself doesnt ring though.


Somewhere else now!
Well booger me! Would you believe it??!!!
Apu's cockknocker mate was right.
Got a new extension lead and all is fine on the mash phone!
Works as advertised.
Now going to have to enjoy the task of routing the ferking cable through the house! Some people are never happy!:PDT_Xtremez_28:

So then, any fairy geeks explain the reasoning behind the lead causing one phone to be crap but still give me net and net phone?


The netphone and broadband use different higher frequencys than the normal phone.
Damage to cables eg crushing etc can cause signal attenuation at different frequencies. Thats what gore cable checks are designed to do check.
I've got the home hub, and although I haven't had the problems you've had MrM, it's not been a smooth ride either. The hub phone works just fine, now. It took a couple of months and several calls to some bloke in Bombay to get it sorted. The landline is pretty much useless because I have to shut down my PC completely to have any degree of sound quality.

I'm also paying nearly 3 times what I was advised when I got it, but I'm stuck to the 12 month initial contract for a little while yet.

TBJ, I was having similar problems to you. Every time Mrs TSP or I tried to make a phone call the sound quality was so bad that we reverted to using our mobiles. The internet was a farce! On the odd occasion I could get a connection it would invariably drop out after 10 mins or so. Come the 15th or so phone call to them I finally lost it and when they suggested that I should have an engineer call at the house (at a cost of almost £100 to me by the way) I told them that they sorted it out fcukin quickly or the engineer could collect the hub from the local tip and my direct debit would be cancelled. And funny old thing it's now working fine. Will NOT be renewing my contract in a couple of months.

Any one got any good alternatives to BT they can suggest?


you can set up your hub to accept your house calls and home hub calls by going to the advanced setting then if it asks you for the user name and password its admin and the pw is admin select home and hub ring this way you get rid of your house phone and im lead to beleve the hub will only ring out on your home hub number when its cheap or free, i found this in the instruction book.....:PDT_Xtremez_27:


Any one got any good alternatives to BT they can suggest?[/QUOTE]

not Virgin or Tiscally i hate to say it ive had bother with BT but when it works its good the above were a load of toss and i ended up nearly been taken to court by tisc untill i went to Cit advise who gave me the classic line "did not recive the service i was paying for" i used this with bt the other day and with in 2 hours i was back up and running.......:PDT_Xtremez_35:
Any one got any good alternatives to BT they can suggest?

not Virgin or Tiscally i hate to say it ive had bother with BT but when it works its good the above were a load of toss and i ended up nearly been taken to court by tisc untill i went to Cit advise who gave me the classic line "did not recive the service i was paying for" i used this with bt the other day and with in 2 hours i was back up and running.......:PDT_Xtremez_35:[/QUOTE]

I used a similar line with BT when I told them I was ready to cancel the contract. I said that as they hadn't been fulfilling their side of it by not providing me with the services I was paying for to an acceptable standard they didn't have a leg to stand on, did the trick!!


Flight Sergeant
Any one got any good alternatives to BT they can suggest?

not Virgin or Tiscally i hate to say it ive had bother with BT but when it works its good the above were a load of toss and i ended up nearly been taken to court by tisc untill i went to Cit advise who gave me the classic line "did not recive the service i was paying for" i used this with bt the other day and with in 2 hours i was back up and running.......:PDT_Xtremez_35:[/QUOTE]

I can suggest a company with good service www.f2s.com
Lots of bad news about the item, I was toying with the idea of getting it!

Anyone have any good news about it?

I would suggest that you have a good look around to see what else is out there. I went for the BT option coz I stupidly though it would have been the best and easiest. As I said previously, I won't be renewing my contract with them. The equipment is no good and the so called helpline staff have been as much use as tits on a kipper! It's taken me 10 months of irate phone calls to India and more than a few letters to get to the stage where I'm reasonably satisfied with what I should have been getting from the start!


, i found this in the instruction book.....:PDT_Xtremez_27:

Georgeios you are a disgrace to your kind................REAL men dont need instruction books, go hang your head in shame..... :PDT_Xtremez_42:


Flight Sergeant
Lots of bad news about the item, I was toying with the idea of getting it!

Anyone have any good news about it?

I have one.

When it first pitched up it was a waste of space.

I wanted (and presumed) that due to it having a phone stuck to the front of it, that you could use it for your phone line. This however was not so, the phone on the front was for VOIP conversations only on a seperate number. Trying to integrate my landline and this phone always resulted in random ringings and disconnects and was an utter, utter waste of time.

I ended up trawling google and found a way to telnet in to the hub and get it to do exactly what I wanted, it seems the capability was/is there, BT just did not want us to use it. Now however I believe that an update has been distributed which allows you to completely disconnect your phone line and have all calls to either landline or VOIP line ring in and out on the hub phones. This is what I had to spend ages fiddling with now it is available from a graphical drop down menu I would have no problem recommending it. It is also dead easy to get an XboX 360 online with an open NAT etc.

As to BT's Indian call centres, they are in the most part a waste of space and have in the past, blatently lied to me to get me off the phone. BT lose more customers and money due to their atrocious customer service that they can possibly save by outsourcing. When everything works, BT is great, if you have a problem, google for a resolution and post on forums for help before bothering to phone BT. You can get a UK based customer service rep if you are annoyed enough.



Georgeios you are a disgrace to your kind................REAL men dont need instruction books, go hang your head in shame..... :PDT_Xtremez_42:

Alas, it was my GF at the time who was worryed and annoyed that it was not set up right so i took it in hand and fixed it!! i hate to say it but the cow had a point its set up and i dont have any problems with the equipment just the fooking DSL.....