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Flight Sergeant
I know it's not stricktly and E Goat charity but it's a young lad in need

Can you help with a visit to see some cool machines?

Mighty_doh_nut said:
We have a young lad who is 10 has just been diagnosed with macular dystrophy which means he is losing his sight , and has gone from full vision to visually impaired on the space of 4 months. And its unsure how much time is left before he loses that to...... Icing on the cake, his five year old sister will go the same way.

His father wants to give him visual memories while he can. he clearly has enough on his plate and I want to lighten some of the burden with our help.

His dad wants him to see as much as he can, as soon as he can.

I have pretty much sewn up the Army Air Corps side of things and a good pal of mine is working on hosting him at the centre of excellence and handsomeness.

What I want is the names of contacts, friends in connected places who can get him hands on in places such as Bovington, Wallop, Farnborough, Boscomble, pretty much anywhere there is military hardware that will fuel a young lads drive and give him memories he can keep when the worst happens.

Not so much a financial one, although I'd liek to assure the family don't pick up any travelling bills, be good if we could cover petrol and the hotel for times they need a stay over.

This needs to happen pretty dam quick, we are against the clock and the more he sees the better.

If names are sensitive PM me

Paypal: info@holidays4heroes.org

HSBC: Holidays4heroes

Sort: 40-12-09
Acct: 41416081

Some of you Lyneham lot should be able to sort out a trip on the flight deck of an Albert?
Hopefully able to do something. I've sent a message to the guy organising it all. I'm sure there are loads of people doing whatever they can.
