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Can't connect to https sites (Wireless)


1000+ Posts
After a tour of KAF where I connected to a myriad of different providers, I now find I can't connect to any https address (E-mail log in etc) on wireless. I am connected to a private wireless network at the mo with a signal through the roof. My last known good wireless location as tried today, fails also. I have been through Google and was met by nothing but forums on 'try this' etc. I have no trouble with my dongle, but get no service here up north. I am not doing a system restore as lamely suggested to get the thing working for a few days as I will lose too much. All SSL and TLS boxes are ticked. I have a tidy 30 quid for the Goat pot for anyone who can come up with an answer. It's a Vista lappie BTW.

Thanks :PDT_Xtremez_26:


Flight Sergeant
Have you tried connecting with an Ethernet cable just to rule out the wireless aspect which may be a red herring?

I have also found in the past when having very strange router problems the highly technical 'turn it off wait 30 seconds turn it on again' fix has solved them.


1000+ Posts
Have you tried connecting with an Ethernet cable just to rule out the wireless aspect which may be a red herring?

I have also found in the past when having very strange router problems the highly technical 'turn it off wait 30 seconds turn it on again' fix has solved them.

Unfortunately mate I am in a holiday cottage and jumping on the owners network. One who refuses to believe anything is wrong at his end. I couldn't connect to https at ISK either whereas I could before. Suggests a bad setting on mine don't you think?


Have you got a firewall on? and do you have windows firewall on at the same time??? As each restricts what goes in/out, 2 sets of restrictions might balls things up!!


Flight Sergeant
Unfortunately mate I am in a holiday cottage and jumping on the owners network. One who refuses to believe anything is wrong at his end. I couldn't connect to https at ISK either whereas I could before. Suggests a bad setting on mine don't you think?

Not necessarily although it does point that way.

You say you have Googled already and done everything recommended so no real help there. If you have double checked everything that should be on is on and everything that should be off is off then you are going to have to do further fault diagnosis, and piggybacking somebody else's wireless network is not very handy for that as he won't check all his settings for you and won't let you connect via Ethernet cable to isolate the wireless being a problem.

I reckon you might have to wait until you get on a network you have access to, sorry mate :(

Clutching at straws you could try re-installing the wireless card (downloading the latest driver before you start obviously)


Is it a BT homehub your trying to connect to? They have a nasty habit of throwing a strop if your not using official BT Yahoo connecty stuff sometimes.


1000+ Posts
Have you got a firewall on? and do you have windows firewall on at the same time??? As each restricts what goes in/out, 2 sets of restrictions might balls things up!!

Always have a firewall on, did turn it off to see but no joy. Thing is, wireless worked perfectly everywhere in UK before I went to the stan. Any way to clear all tabs set over the last 6?


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Sounds like it's your Lappy

Sounds like it's your Lappy

Try downloading another browser (firefox or Safari) and see if that sorts out the problem. Or you could uninstall and reinstall IE, if that's the one you're using.

Currently having problems accessing yahoo mail with firefox (I think adblocker or something is getting in the way) but with IE no probs.

Bit of an easy one to try first.


Flight Sergeant
public network settings?

public network settings?

It might be a rule you set when asked by norton or whatever internet security software you are running?

If you can get on to normal sites google etc then it won't be something tied to the wireless side as your link is there, unless your computer or the router is blocking or set not to support the HTTPS ports.

Only settings i can think off the top of my head are in the security bits of internet settings asking if you want to use SSL 2 or 3 which you have tried but again that is set to internet explorer and if it's fine with a dongle would point to a setting on the wireless adapter side of things? Whether its the adapter itself or the connection settings for it?


Flight Sergeant
OK, to start off with, can you get a command line up and running, it should be somewhere in your Start, All Programs, Accessories. (I'm not running Vista so cannot be sure).
Once you get that running, type;
and post your results.
Also, try and ping the router and an outside computer by typing;
ping 192.168.*.*** then press enter (replace * with router address) and
ping www.google.co.uk then press enter.
post the results.
If you get a lot of timed out responses, try again with your firewall turned off.
Also, contrary to what was mentioned earlier, ensure you are using Windows' built in wireless manager to connect rather than a third parties wireless software, they are generally poorly written and offer no benefits.
If you are, revert to the windows adapter, and try the pings again.
Another problem could be the drivers for your wireless adapter, have they been updated recently?
Hope something helps, if not, post what you find on here.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Had a quick look around for a solution, never realised that https traffic goes through a different port to http.

Https goes through port 443 and normal http through port 80. So port 443 may be blocked locally on your machines firewall or on the routers firewall.

Unfortunately you cant check ports with ping so you'll have to use a port scanning tool to be sure.


Flight Sergeant
Unfortunately you cant check ports with ping so you'll have to use a port scanning tool to be sure.

And how many ports respond to a portscan?

Try that on my system and it just pretends it does not exist. No answer at all, never mind confirming it is open.

As I said, while he does not have access to the router to know what the settings are, he could chase his tail around all week and still get nowhere.

The new browser idea was a good one though and won't take too long to try out.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
And how many ports respond to a portscan?

Try that on my system and it just pretends it does not exist. No answer at all, never mind confirming it is open.

As I said, while he does not have access to the router to know what the settings are, he could chase his tail around all week and still get nowhere.

The new browser idea was a good one though and won't take too long to try out.

This is true, you'd need access to the logs on the router to see if the scan was logged.


Flight Sergeant
Coo - try this: http://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?rh1dkyd2 I've used it a few times to check what ports are open and closed to the web - selaect the "All service ports" button and sit back and wait while it runs through the test

That takes you to an error page, however if you really want to do a 'shields up' port scan you can find it easily enough with google.

As I have already mentioned though, all this should return is a 'no computer at this port' type message, which is completely useless in this situation. It won't tell you if it is open or closed, it will tell you it does not exist. The ports should be set to ignore probes otherwise your system will be hammered stupid by script kiddies.


Flight Sergeant
Coo - try this: http://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?rh1dkyd2 I've used it a few times to check what ports are open and closed to the web - selaect the "All service ports" button and sit back and wait while it runs through the test

That takes you to an error page, however if you really want to do a 'shields up' port scan you can find it easily enough with google.

As I have already mentioned though, all this should return is a 'no computer at this port' type message, which is completely useless in this situation. It won't tell you if it is open or closed, it will tell you it does not exist. The ports should be set to ignore probes otherwise your system will be hammered stupid by script kiddies.

Coo - try this: http://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?rh1dkyd2 I've used it a few times to check what ports are open and closed to the web - selaect the "All service ports" button and sit back and wait while it runs through the test

Shettie/weeble don't take this as a dig at you it's not

The problem with this check unfortunately is that if you have a router between you and t'interweb it will only show which port probes a) made it through the firewall on the router and b) your computer responded to.

It's a difficult one to work out unfortunately, some have suggested port scanning the computer but you would need to be connected to the same network as coohead, another tack would be to run a packet sniffer on another computer that is connected to the same network, this "should" pick up any outgoing requests from cooheed's laptop.

If you can get a copy of a ubuntu live cd(google it) and boot from it that will confirm if it is a Windows specific issue, It will run a copy of the linux operating system from the CD and you can then connet to your network and see if you can access HTTPS sites. if you need any advice PM or ask LQ for my number.
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Flight Sergeant
It was working fine last week when we went away and connected no problems to the wireless in the hotel.

Which means it is probably the network router you are connected to, which you don't have access to, so there is absolutely nothing you can do.

You need to go find another network at a Mcdonalds or a cafe or something and see if you have the same problem then.


Dr Midget Midgetson
Which means it is probably the network router you are connected to, which you don't have access to, so there is absolutely nothing you can do.

You need to go find another network at a Mcdonalds or a cafe or something and see if you have the same problem then.

Already tried that honey. Tried a network that's always worked fine before and no joy.

I know it worked the other week on the hotel wireless connection, well his email anyway.