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CDT free pens

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You know the score the CDT team rock up at your unit and do their thing. So we were visited by the CDT team today and as ever people were selected at random to perform the expected function while others were selected to observe proceedings. Nothing new there but some lucky bods returned to the section with a free pen with this witty ditty printed on IPD4CDT. Why?
You can’t opt in or out of the process so there’s no need to advertise the service.
No one is selling anything so it can’t be a marketing ploy
It can’t be reward for doing the deed as you have to stay there until you do.
So why provide advertising material for an event that is compulsory for service personnel?
Just be glad you're not at my Unit, we've been visited approx 12 times in a year and it's 100% testing every visit! The amount of times I've provided them with a sample I think I've earnt a free pen.
What a waste of money.

I wonder who got an OBE for that idea?:PDT_Xtremez_42:
What a waste of money.

You could be onto something there.

OC stuff 'n' things suggests CDT issue pens with proper logo's on them, all agree it's a capital idea, bang on and whizzo, spend duly authorized.
Fast forward 2 years

Under a new directive to save money the new OC stuff 'n' things suggests NOT issuing pens with CDT logo's on them, all agree it's a capital idea, bang on and whizzo.

Promotions and a large Pimm's all round well done chaps, moving on.
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I'm part of a team that deliver a product safety course here...it's actually (I think) a great course, very interactive and sometimes emotive. At the end we hand out a Thermos mug, pin badge and hard hat sticker with the course name and motif on it...we want people 6 months or more after the course to look at one of those items and to remind themselves what they learnt...to take a moment for reflection in an otherwise hectic day.

This pen is carried and used could act as a reminder that aside from their day job there is something else to remember about what will happen if they don't say 'no'.
This pen is carried and used could act as a reminder that aside from their day job there is something else to remember about what will happen if they don't say 'no'.

I would wonder just how 'wavery' their proclivities are if they need a pen or some other similar twee product to remind them of their Core Values.

It's built in to me, hardwired even that I (and I hope others) stick to such rules.
I would wonder just how 'wavery' their proclivities are if they need a pen or some other similar twee product to remind them of their Core Values.

It's built in to me, hardwired even that I (and I hope others) stick to such rules.

Think of the lowest common denominator involved i.e. the Army and ask yourself the question again...
What a waste of money.

Exactly. If things like this and the glossy magazines that public sector organisations distribute like confetti are scrapped, then we'd be well on the way to saving the £37bn that Gideon has insisted is cut from Govt spending.
What a waste of money.

I wonder who got an OBE for that idea?:PDT_Xtremez_42:

And a tadge patronising too.

A few years back (a good few years actually, it was the late 1980s) some bright thing decided to publish a small magazine/pamphlet thing aimed at junior ranks; their welfare, interests etc and what the service was doing for them. It was called 'How Gozit" (or something similar), presumably because said bright spark thought that this was the way young airpersons spoke to each other and so decided to pitch it at what they assumed was our level.
It was a short lived experiment because it was seen to be sickeningly patronising; even our SENGO took one look at it and went "WTF is this garbage?" before flicking it expertly into the nearest bin where it belonged.
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That has nothing on PJHQ J6 IA, you should have seen some of the TAT they farmed out to people every couple of months, all with some deep and thoughtful information assurance message printed on.