Hi all, at present I m downgraded for a lower back problem and have been for the last 2 years. It is due for review and I think that more than Likely they are going to pass me fit for the RAFFT. This in its self is NOT a problem as I have a real drive to regain my fitness. My question is that after having 2 years off regular phis I think it would be a bit unfair to expect me to pass it first go. Is there a system in place that either the PTIs or the Med Center can give me a grace period to get back up to some level of fitness before I have to take the test? If there is how long is it likely to be? I have never in 12 come close to any kind of MAA, formal interview or charge so I want to do all I can to avoid this type of action. My last quick question is would it be worth asking about going on a RI or RH PTI lead program as I have read that this seems to be the only way to regain fitness after a long term problem, without the problems of MAA or worse? Thank you all for your answers.