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Flying Pay


Somewhere else now!
Does anyone know how to claim flying pay on JPA?
Dont dare phone JPAC up cos they'll tell me to phone PSF who will tell me to phone allowances who will tell me to phone PSF who will tell me to phone JPAC, etc,etc,etc,,,,
Used to fill in a form in chiefs office and he'd submit the claims for everyone
At a loss now on how to do it!!!!!!


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I can't help you in respect of your particular problem but I can say that JPA has sneakily changed certain rules for the paying of flying pay to NCA...and therefore why not to other branches?!

Find the JPA rules for payment and read them before you exert to much effort...


Somewhere else now!
Sorry chap,
Should have clarified that I am a techie and was enquiring about the flying pay/crew pay we get for flight tests.
It seems that no one at work on my shift knows how to go about claiming it!
Guess I am gonna have to make lots of fruitless phone calls and spend some time on JPA when my busy work schedule permits it!


Have you tried phoning the HUC at Benson or the Vibe Cell at Odiham? They may have the info you require.


Flying Pay

I tried asking for flying pay when we went on dets and as a matter of factly did a few OP sorties on the way, droppy bouys and low level photo runs over ships. When I queried my life insurance policy I was delighted to hear that I would not be covered in the event of an accident, due to it not being an operational mission. So when this was brought up at a station meeting that the groundies were creating havoc continually asking for FP the powers that be devreed that....

If a sortie was to be flown en route they were not to fly with us on board. We were to be "dropped off at the det airfield" and they were to continue their fun and games. Of course that never happened. So if you think about the time spent flying as a pax over the years and the hours that you could have been payed FP it racks up. I could have bought a new car.:PDT_Xtremez_28:


Somewhere else now!
Cheers for the replies.
Hopefully the day shift have enquired for me about it.
Otherwise I'll ask our Vibe cell here what they do.
Got a feeling its gonna be manual forms, ha ha, back to forms again!!!

JPA :PDT_Xtremez_30:


Somewhere else now!
The other shift did some digging on the subject.
Turns out that there is no difference to the way we claim crew pay for air tests!
Hope this helps anyone who was, like me, confused about nothing!


Pongos help required...

Pongos help required...

Hey up..

I'm currently working at Wattisham with some other blue suits showing the pongos how to fix their flying landrovers properly :PDT_Xtremez_14:

All we do is fill in the little blue book in the office and low and behold flying pay appears... who know from where but it does... Will enquire with the pongos as to how this happens and will get back to you...

Don't hold your breath as they are not too sure about anything they do, "It's just the way we have always done it..." but will try...........

Apaches will be ours and we will show them how to use them.:PDT_Xtremez_41: :PDT_Xtremez_30:


Lynx fixing CRAB b@stard said:
Hey up..

I'm currently working at Wattisham with some other blue suits showing the pongos how to fix their flying landrovers properly :PDT_Xtremez_14:

Off Topic Do you guys use the Red Lion at Great Bricett? If so is it still known as Jim's

Just wondering:PDT_Xtremez_28:

The Masked Geek

You guys are actually using JPA?

I'm waiting for someone to finally take notice of the security holes all over the system and plug them.

I mean, come on, rolling out a thin client system with no SSL encryption? What a load of hoop.......every time you request some personal info, it's sent accross the network in "plain text" this includes your password, bank details, med record, etc.

It would seem that the security of the civvy personal details is taken far more seriously as their HRMS system does use SSL encryption.

Get Tae

Flight Sergeant
The Masked Geek said:
every time you request some personal info, it's sent accross the network in "plain text" this includes your password, bank details, med record, etc.

If so WTF!

Surely this cant be right?!!!!


watch for the padlock sign next time you log on to your bank/ebay/any online store.

once you are familiar with where it is, next time you log on to JPA, you then are qualified to note the lack of said padlock icon!


seriously....... it's all plain text. If someone wanted to intercept the data from one machine to the JPA super computer, they will be able to read everything like breaking into your house and stealing passport, med docs, bank statments, kids birth certificates, where you visit on leave.

these all contain info which is stored on JPA, and if someone really wanted to, they could read it like reading straight off the documents.

Quoting here a definition of SSL if that wasn't plain english enough.......

(pronounced as separate letters) Short for Secure Sockets Layer, a protocol developed by Netscape for transmitting private documents via the Internet. SSL uses a cryptographic system that uses two keys to encrypt data − a public key known to everyone and a private or secret key known only to the recipient of the message. Both Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer support SSL, and many Web sites use the protocol to obtain confidential user information, such as credit card numbers.By convention, URLs that require an SSL connection start with https: instead of http:.

Another protocol for transmitting data securely over the World Wide Web is Secure HTTP (S-HTTP). Whereas SSL creates a secure connection between a client and a server, over which any amount of data can be sent securely, S-HTTP is designed to transmit individual messages securely. SSL and S-HTTP, therefore, can be seen as complementary rather than competing technologies. Both protocols have been approved by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as a standard.
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The Masked Geek

Get Tae said:

If so WTF!

Surely this cant be right?!!!!

It is very true my friend.

And "they" know about it. Even the "sneeky beekies" have approached them about it although the RLI forum detailing this was censored to keep it quiet.

Rest assured, the issue has been raised and apparently ignored.

Go here - http://www.raf.r.mil.uk/live/cgi-bin/CMGForum.pl?action=list&forum=IT_Security also note that the security forum has subsequently been closed.....

As you can see, the issue was raised in April and I believe the sneekies raised it even before that. Several people (seemingly in the poket of CAS) tried to pooh-pooh the argument but they failed.

Data Protection Act -

Note principle 7 - http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1998/80029--l.htm#sch1ptI

Here's the translation - http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1998/80029--m.htm#sch1ptII

Basically, they have to keep our info secure.
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gemarriott said:
Off Topic Do you guys use the Red Lion at Great Bricett? If so is it still known as Jim's

Just wondering:PDT_Xtremez_28:

Not been down to Great Bricett yet but will keep in mind if I go dwon that area....Sorry


The Masked Geek said:
You guys are actually using JPA?

I'm waiting for someone to finally take notice of the security holes all over the system and plug them.

I mean, come on, rolling out a thin client system with no SSL encryption? What a load of hoop.......every time you request some personal info, it's sent accross the network in "plain text" this includes your password, bank details, med record, etc.

It would seem that the security of the civvy personal details is taken far more seriously as their HRMS system does use SSL encryption.

Yes mate we are using JPA via good old Internet Explorer over the Intranet.. and no there is no SSL enabled, been wondering about that but never been able be bothered about it... it appears that I should be...

They were trying to get the RAF to pay for some extra software to enable it to run properly, but it works fine over the intranet. Does the extra software provide extra security ??? who knows...