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FTRS - Pros & Cons

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SAS Inspector
Have recently been eying up a few posts around the UK and realised that I am not entirely sure as to all the pros & cons of life in a FTRS post.

I am aware of some of them, but some info is hearsay, some is downright bollox.

Therefore, going to act the complete novice and ask the simple question to all those with the actual experience and knowledge :-

What are the pros & cons of being FTRS?
Only if you've not got a pension

Only if you've not got a pension



You have a job in the military.
You will get paid.
Depending whether or not you are HC, LC or FC you don't have to do any/many dets.
You'll not get posted.
Unless your post is disestablished (or you fck up[or bif up]) you've a job until you're 55.
You don't make a contribution to your pension.


You don't get the full x-factor.
You don't get free dental and medical
You don't have a right to a quarter/room in the mess
There's not much in the way of promotion, you have to apply for jobs.
You have to have sign on every 2/4 years
No home to duty.
It's not the same pension scheme
You still have a call up liability.
You should still do guard
You should still do CCS
You should still do Duty Clk
You should still do the Fitness test.

I think Total war is on a FTRS contract drop him a pm. Or contact one of the Cpl clks on one of the Reservist Sqns, or the FS at Cranwell who does FTRS recruiting thing, If you are in receipt of a service pension it may not be worth doing.
I'm sure I just read a post from you about PVRing.


Bleeding long story - will pull up a sandbag in the early hours and tell you a tale of woe :S Mind you probably best I don't

Busby - thanks for that - would appear that I was aware of some, you've made me aware of others and given something to think about. Cheers