Combat Stress
Combat Stress would like to thank everyone for their fantastic help and support over the past year. Thank you for nominating us to be the charity to receive the proceeds from all your Fundraising Events at E-Goat. We thoroughly appreciate all the time and effort which is going into helping us. Thank you!
Combat Stress was founded in 1919 and has been caring for psychologically injured ex-Service men and women since then. In total we have looked after something like 85,000 veterans with 8,000 currently on our books, many of whom have had their lives absolutely wrecked by this ‘honourable wound’.
In the last two years we have seen a 27% increase in the number of new veterans seeking our help and this is due in part to new cases still being found from the 1982 Falklands War and from those who took part in Operation Desert Storm in Iraq in 1990. We are concerned about the level of future demand from those involved in the continuing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan - this potentially huge growth in demand is likely to swamp our already modest resources.
Combat Stress offers treatment and support to a group of vulnerable, often forgotten ex-Service men and women. With your assistance we can continue to give these veterans the care they need from our Clinical Staff and Welfare Officers.
Once again, thank you so much for your help and support!!
Kelita Groom
Volunteer and Community Fundraising Officer
Combat Stress
Combat Stress was founded in 1919 and has been caring for psychologically injured ex-Service men and women since then. In total we have looked after something like 85,000 veterans with 8,000 currently on our books, many of whom have had their lives absolutely wrecked by this ‘honourable wound’.
In the last two years we have seen a 27% increase in the number of new veterans seeking our help and this is due in part to new cases still being found from the 1982 Falklands War and from those who took part in Operation Desert Storm in Iraq in 1990. We are concerned about the level of future demand from those involved in the continuing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan - this potentially huge growth in demand is likely to swamp our already modest resources.
Combat Stress offers treatment and support to a group of vulnerable, often forgotten ex-Service men and women. With your assistance we can continue to give these veterans the care they need from our Clinical Staff and Welfare Officers.
Once again, thank you so much for your help and support!!
Kelita Groom
Volunteer and Community Fundraising Officer
Combat Stress