hey all im new to the forum so let me first say a hi to everyone. now for the question. i am planning on joining the raf regiment but i have a rare medical condition called G6PD deficiancy. It has never caused me a problem however.
Now i can pretty much guarentee that most of you reading this would never have heard of this before its one of those things that people dont get educated on much (incuding my docter).
well im 21 now and i finally plan to make my applicatin to the raf but not sure if this will hindure me in application or not. is there anyone ot there that knows anyone in the raf with this dificiancy or who can tell me weather i can get in or not so i dont get my hopes up 2 early.
Now i can pretty much guarentee that most of you reading this would never have heard of this before its one of those things that people dont get educated on much (incuding my docter).
well im 21 now and i finally plan to make my applicatin to the raf but not sure if this will hindure me in application or not. is there anyone ot there that knows anyone in the raf with this dificiancy or who can tell me weather i can get in or not so i dont get my hopes up 2 early.