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Gail Porter. Better With or Witout.......?

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Better with. Met her last year when we had problems with the trains and she was getting picked up by a limo. Very pleasant woman, very down to earth.
There's just something about 'baldy' women.

Wouldnt say NO to it with the hair but hey there's the challenge ... What would you hold onto apart from the ears???????
She's still f*cking doolally though. Mad as a bucket of fish. I can still remember the "tearful" interview she did when she tried to pop her own cork after the cr@p, worse than average "guitarist" from one-hit-wonders Toploader left her.

Sorry, but she's a walking list of tawdry excuses for the series of w@nk things that have happened in her sad little nobody's life...

She's still f*cking doolally though. Mad as a bucket of fish. I can still remember the "tearful" interview she did when she tried to pop her own cork after the cr@p, worse than average "guitarist" from one-hit-wonders Toploader left her.

Sorry, but she's a walking list of tawdry excuses for the series of w@nk things that have happened in her sad little nobody's life...


You still would tho.........???
Each has its positives.............

Each has its positives.............

With the hair shes looks better, but I suppose the plus side to the baldness is that it makes it easier for her to clean up after a bukake session!!!:PDT_Xtremez_31:
And then you have Sinnead o Connor.

In my opinion, when in her prime 1989/90 she was gorgeous.:PDT_Xtremez_17:

Who can deny the fact???????