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Gen Tech Mechanical


Hi, i applied to join the raf as a general technician mechanical. I passed my intelligence test, medical and fitness test. I have been waiting since September for a Pre recruit training 2 night coursr. I was given a date for one, and a basic start date, which were both taken from me, because they decided not to recruit for this role.

Basically i just wanted to know if anyone is aware what is going on with this trade? When i speak to the afco they've told me they have no info they can tell me. Will they need people for this role? Has it undergone large cuts? I just cant wait to start since my job makes me die inside. And it would just be so much more bearable waiting if i just had a small idea of how long i have left to wait!



I applied for this role and got told in January I was no longer required. I guess you were one that survived this tranch. Have your PRTC dates been cancelled, or have you been told they have been postponed? Has your application been totally cancelled?


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Guys, they are in the process of downsizing this trade massively at the moment. They have already decided on the amount of Servicemen they want and are now looking at what capabilities to remove to meet this. You'll probably find that by the end of summer this will be decided and they can look again at the number of Servicemen needed and tweak recruiting. In about two weeks there are also going to be redundancies in this trade so again they have to know exactly how many they make redundant before recruiting more people. The redundancies shouldn't make a difference to you guys when it comes to joining, they are actually being done to create room further up for people to be promoted into leaving space at the bottom for you. They just need to know how many spaces at the bottom there will be.


Hi,thanks for replying. My dates were postponed, since they apparently cancelled the entire trade intake. I received a call from the afco today, they said i will find out in the next week or 2 whats happening. Judging on how many courses open up with how many they need, but they expect me to start basic in September with pre rtc in july/aug :)

And im sorry they didnt need you, had you also beed given dates previously?


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Hi,thanks for replying. My dates were postponed, since they apparently cancelled the entire trade intake. I received a call from the afco today, they said i will find out in the next week or 2 whats happening. Judging on how many courses open up with how many they need, but they expect me to start basic in September with pre rtc in july/aug :)

And im sorry they didnt need you, had you also beed given dates previously?

It sounds like you'll find out after the redundancies are announced on the 12 June.


I hadn't been given dates, just got an email saying I was surplus to requirement. Gutted, dream job in RAF down the pan. I cannot wait years for it to become open again, as I am knocking on a bit :(


Ah sorry to hear that, when did you apply for it? Did you do any aptitude or medical/fitness stuff? Or were you right at the beginning. Which would explain why some got through and some didnt, if they had already done that stuff for some i suppose it saves time / money. Luck of the draw possibly.


I had done AST interview medical and fitness... I was just waiting for PRTC/rtc dates. I am guessing it probably went on dates you had done everything.


Hmm same stage as me then. Who knows how they decided who stayed on. Sounds like we both found out at the same time though

Soon To Leave

Proud To Serve
The redundancies shouldn't make a difference to you guys when it comes to joining, they are actually being done to create room further up for people to be promoted into leaving space at the bottom for you. They just need to know how many spaces at the bottom there will be.

Some spaces will disappear altogether, they won't all be filled, but the RAF needs to keep a throughflow of new recruits to keep the training system going and introduce new talent. Those that don't make the grade don't get signed on for a full career. This flow has been temporarily constricted so the numbers can be crunched but full flow will be restored soon.

You have picked a good time to join as I think the RAF is as small as it's going to get and prospects for re-engagement and promotion over your career should be back to normal.

All the best with your training and don't forget to keep your fitness levels up. You will be tested on a regular basis.

Don't be put off by anyone that says the RAF isn't what it used to be because that's always been the case and you'll end up saying the same thing one day. :pDT_Xtremez_30:

Soon To Leave

Proud To Serve
Yeah it all happened after trench two of redundancies. When did you do medical and fitness?

Tranche 2 of redundancies hasn't happened yet! Tranche 1 redundancies have just about fully completed, notification of Tranche 2 redundees will take place on 12th of June with volunteers leaving within 6 months followed another 6 months later by the non-volunteers.

Henry02 - are you still interested in joining the RAF?

Selection of who was cancelled/postponed onto training courses may have been down to some abitary selection process (eany meany miney mo!) and may have nothing to do with your suitability. They can't keep everyone on hold as applications would soon back up.

If I were you and I still wanted to join, I'd get back to your AFCO soon after the 12th of June to talk about manpower forecasts for your chosen trade and the possibility of resurrecting your application.

Good luck!


I went for a different trade. Unfortunatly I have ended up having my application totally cancelled (I wont go into it, as you never quite know who is reading!) but I can reapply in July. Still left with the dilemma of waiting to long for a trade to open, or going for another one I would like to do.


Apparently there are a fair number of volunteers for redundancy. I just hope as they have brought me to this stage, i dont get chinned off!