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Going for IntO or ABM

Good day all.

New to site, 23 y.o, been working in civvy flight ops the last 5 years. Was selected for pilot training in the Navy earlier this year, then because I had tinnitus on my medical records, I was told I couldn't start IOT at Dartmouth any more. Quickly got myself onto a Geography degree, have been rolling around in the mud with OTC for the past few weeks, but with my background in flight ops, have decided on joining you guys!

Still waiting for the 0845 recruitment number to call me back before I can start my application properly. Have been told by AFCO that tinnitus shouldn't be a problem (it physically isn't, it's just on my records...), but hoping to get through OASC before my 2nd year of uni and join Brum-UAS in 2011.


Good day all.

New to site, 23 y.o, been working in civvy flight ops the last 5 years. Was selected for pilot training in the Navy earlier this year, then because I had tinnitus on my medical records, I was told I couldn't start IOT at Dartmouth any more. Quickly got myself onto a Geography degree, have been rolling around in the mud with OTC for the past few weeks, but with my background in flight ops, have decided on joining you guys!

Still waiting for the 0845 recruitment number to call me back before I can start my application properly. Have been told by AFCO that tinnitus shouldn't be a problem (it physically isn't, it's just on my records...), but hoping to get through OASC before my 2nd year of uni and join Brum-UAS in 2011.

Would think that the tinitus would bar you from the ABM world (lots of headset wearing and having to monitor multiple radios/phones).

I work in the ABM environment so if you want any info give me a pm

Reformed Scribbly


you could be waiting a while for them to call you back... if you've registered with the CIL, you should have received an email from them, then you'll be on the books. If you've any specific queries or need clarification, contact your AFCO.

Good luck with your application, there is a good bit of info here, also check out PPRUNE and the student room forums for more.
I got the details from my AFCO the other day, but didn't register for anything as the Sgnt there said there was somewhere on the Careers website where you can begin applying, but I can't find anything about registering on the website.



you could be waiting a while for them to call you back... if you've registered with the CIL, you should have received an email from them, then you'll be on the books. If you've any specific queries or need clarification, contact your AFCO.

Good luck with your application, there is a good bit of info here, also check out PPRUNE and the student room forums for more.

Use the Ask an ABM forum on the Student Room, the guy would be talking to on there, Vizzini, is a good friend of mine and a good source of info on the ABM world.

I will do some digging about your pm question and will get back to you. Keep doing what you are doing and definately chase the AFCO. There may be a problem with ABM recruitment at the moment, I will see what I can find out for you.


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
From what I was told at my last OASC interview they are recruiting for the financial year of 2011/2012. Whether or not it is still open for such recruitment can only be found out from the CIL / AFCO.

Reformed Scribbly

I got the details from my AFCO the other day, but didn't register for anything as the Sgnt there said there was somewhere on the Careers website where you can begin applying, but I can't find anything about registering on the website.

You don't register with the AFCO for the Careers Information Line, you need to call them direct. See the attached link for the direction on the careers site.

Call the 0845 no, register your interest as ABM/IntO, you can only register one at this stage, however once you get into the process proper, you can put down other branches, if available at the time. The CIL should ask you some eligibility questions that you should have already been asked at the AFCO. Once registered they'll send you a confirmation email. Once your branch of choice becomes available, you'll then be sent a link to an online application, complete that as accurately and expeditiously as possible. All going well, you would then hear from the AFCO within 14 days to arrange a presentation, known as a P2 pres. (P2 is how we classify officers in the personnel world).

Good luck with your application, pay attention at the pres, get into your phys and do lots of research into the RAF, NATO and your branches.

Easy :pDT_Xtremez_30:
Thanks for the replies guys. When I spoke to the Sgnt at the AFCO he said that they would begin recruitment for IntO and ABM in December, so I will chase up the 0845 number this week. I'm pretty up to date on current affairs and also the core parts of the RAF as I had planned to join the RAF a year or so back, but was told that I wouldn't make the cut-off age for pilot as I was 22 at the time [and the pilot cut-off age was 23 at the time].

As a side question, are there any roles in the RAF based around meteorology that can be advanced to from other branches? I find the subject the best part of my degree so far, as I studied it a fair bit when I was doing my pilots license, so would be interested in it's focus on the RAF. Might be a silly question, but wouldn't mind some feedback on it.

Cheers again guys, you've been very helpful. I get sick of the 'internet tough guys' you sometimes meet on forums who are full of nothing but bull.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Every Met guy I have ever been briefed by was a civvy without exception...They also seem to come in an assortment of odd shapes and sizes, have hygene problems or in the case of one at St Mawgan own the worst toupee in the Western world...

Since you last prepped to join the RAF 12 months ago we have changed a great deal and are making pans to change a whole lot more....So get your nose back into the books so you don't blow your chance at OASC.

I don't know what the opinion of serving RAF int guys is on here but I can see the Int world world turning purple in the near to medium future and I reckon the Army will get the hammer so thats worth some pondering before you sign up to it...