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Good afternoon

Harry B'Stard

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts


Welcome to the Goat PP,

Keep pushing at trying to get in if it's what you really want. Yes things are about to go down the tubes a little with the Defence Review in the very near horizon, but many things will remain and we all try and make the best of it!

Remember to feed the goat regularly and don't be too offended when some of the resident monsters try and shoot you down... they're only trying to sort out the wheat from the chaff! Ignore them and don't bite back!

Best of luck with the future...

Welcome to the Goat PP,

Keep pushing at trying to get in if it's what you really want. Yes things are about to go down the tubes a little with the Defence Review in the very near horizon, but many things will remain and we all try and make the best of it!

Thanks for the welcome. This is what I suspected. I'll continue to show my interest and in the meantime, I'll continue with my studies. I'm going to apply again as soon as I'm able to.

Remember to feed the goat regularly and don't be too offended when some of the resident monsters try and shoot you down... they're only trying to sort out the wheat from the chaff! Ignore them and don't bite back!

Best of luck with the future...


Let them try to shoot me down, it's only a forum and I won't take it personally. Thank you.

Obi Wan

Thanks for the welcome. This is what I suspected. I'll continue to show my interest and in the meantime, I'll continue with my studies. I'm going to apply again as soon as I'm able to.

Let them try to shoot me down, it's only a forum and I won't take it personally. Thank you.

Thats the spirit...........all the very best with your studies and i hope all turns out well for you



Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
If you interview and test as well as you can construct a paragraph, you'll go pretty far.

Just make sure that if you do get an option it is something personally tenable, long term. It's a trap easy to fall into in these difficult times.


Heya PlanetPyramid,

Welcome first of all... :PDT_Xtremez_31:

You said that you cannot apply for Pilot because of you are short-sighted but then mentioned you are considering WSOP. I thought the eye requirements were the same for all aircrew, is that correct?


J Mac

Heya PlanetPyramid,

Welcome first of all... :PDT_Xtremez_31:

You said that you cannot apply for Pilot because of you are short-sighted but then mentioned you are considering WSOP. I thought the eye requirements were the same for all aircrew, is that correct?


I'm a WSO hopeful. I was told at the AFCO last week that the eyesight requirements are 6/24 unaided, correctable to 6/6 for WSOp. I'm -2.0 in both eyes and can do 6/24 comfortably. As far as I'm aware you need full colour vision.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I'm a WSO hopeful. I was told at the AFCO last week that the eyesight requirements are 6/24 unaided, correctable to 6/6 for WSOp. I'm -2.0 in both eyes and can do 6/24 comfortably. As far as I'm aware you need full colour vision.

Whats your back-up plan? WSO (Nav in old money) as a trade may have a huge excess in the near future...enough so they could easily make further savings by closing down the training for them for a while...We stand to make savings via the F3 and GR4 fleet and these are very plausible cuts...tons of WSO's there...The MR4 may be chopped...less likely than my former examples but still a chance...quite a few WSO's there...The Sentry may see a reduction in strength by a couple of crews at least...still more there...

So if I was you I would have a back-up plan firmly up my sleeve...Trades such as int/ATC/ABM always seem to be recruiting so have a look at those...supply officer is definately nothing to be sniffed at with the quals you can gain whilst doing it for later life in civvy street...

Grim times are ahead for the serving person and potential recruit alike...The clever ones amongst those groups aren't sitting around waiting for it to happen to them...

J Mac

Whats your back-up plan? WSO (Nav in old money) as a trade may have a huge excess in the near future...enough so they could easily make further savings by closing down the training for them for a while...We stand to make savings via the F3 and GR4 fleet and these are very plausible cuts...tons of WSO's there...The MR4 may be chopped...less likely than my former examples but still a chance...quite a few WSO's there...The Sentry may see a reduction in strength by a couple of crews at least...still more there...

So if I was you I would have a back-up plan firmly up my sleeve...Trades such as int/ATC/ABM always seem to be recruiting so have a look at those...supply officer is definately nothing to be sniffed at with the quals you can gain whilst doing it for later life in civvy street...

Grim times are ahead for the serving person and potential recruit alike...The clever ones amongst those groups aren't sitting around waiting for it to happen to them...

Hi Vim, thanks for a friendly and informative reply. :PDT_Xtremez_19:

I asked how badly the SDSR could affect the WSOp branch at the AFCO and was told much the same thing. Tornado is likely gone. Obviously the old nims are out but hopefully MRA4 goes through. Strange though - he seemed to think E-3D might need fresh blood? I suppose all I can do is wait until October and keep my ears to the ground.

I looked at Navy Observer (Nav) but it seems they're oversubscribed and there's a very low intake every year. I look better in blue anyway ;)

I have some decent qualifications - 4 A-Levels (AACC) in English, History, Politics and Music Tech. 2 AS-Levels (AC) in English Language and Music. 10.5 GCSE's A*- B. I think that my skills would be well transferrable to Int. but I've done little research into the role. Sounds like something that might come a little more naturally to me, but looking for something a little more physical (no disrespect intended).

I'm currently deciding whether RAF Regt. Officer might be the role for me. I want to go to Afghan and I want a physically tough job. I want to fly though; more than anything in the world. In any case I've started training with an ex-PARA PTI to get my fitness levels up to PROC standards. I figure that if I can match Reg. standards I'm safe on the fitness front for most roles?

I'm hoping for a life career in the air force, though I do appreciate that due to the nature of the job and the possibility of future redundancies it's important to be able to take a wealth of transferrable skills into civvy street. I feel a little bit lost at the moment though (unsure of my options) and I'm waiting on the defense review with baited breath. Hopefully things will be a little clearer in October, which gives me the chance to keep running, crunching and cramming in the meantime.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Hi Vim, thanks for a friendly and informative reply. :PDT_Xtremez_19:

I asked how badly the SDSR could affect the WSOp branch at the AFCO and was told much the same thing. Tornado is likely gone. Obviously the old nims are out but hopefully MRA4 goes through. Strange though - he seemed to think E-3D might need fresh blood? I suppose all I can do is wait until October and keep my ears to the ground.

I looked at Navy Observer (Nav) but it seems they're oversubscribed and there's a very low intake every year. I look better in blue anyway ;)

I have some decent qualifications - 4 A-Levels (AACC) in English, History, Politics and Music Tech. 2 AS-Levels (AC) in English Language and Music. 10.5 GCSE's A*- B. I think that my skills would be well transferrable to Int. but I've done little research into the role. Sounds like something that might come a little more naturally to me, but looking for something a little more physical (no disrespect intended).

I'm currently deciding whether RAF Regt. Officer might be the role for me. I want to go to Afghan and I want a physically tough job. I want to fly though; more than anything in the world. In any case I've started training with an ex-PARA PTI to get my fitness levels up to PROC standards. I figure that if I can match Reg. standards I'm safe on the fitness front for most roles?

I'm hoping for a life career in the air force, though I do appreciate that due to the nature of the job and the possibility of future redundancies it's important to be able to take a wealth of transferrable skills into civvy street. I feel a little bit lost at the moment though (unsure of my options) and I'm waiting on the defense review with baited breath. Hopefully things will be a little clearer in October, which gives me the chance to keep running, crunching and cramming in the meantime.

Your options are for now to research what we realistically might need whatever the SDR throws at us...Lots of people want to fly and only a tiny percentage achieve it...Of the thousands (tens of) that are applying for flying positions as I type should the SDR state that flying units be cut that crowd of well qualified, fit and motivated individuals will turn their attention back to the AFCO to seek out info on other trades incl. the ones I've mentioned...They have not however been switched on enough to enquire on here so you have an inside line on things at the moment and can spend some of your energy on covering all the bases...Int/supply may hold a few surprises for you and get you closer to the action that you may relalise... Knowledge is very definately power.

On E3's we would hope to soak up some of the overflow from Kinloss should they want it...I hear there is a slow down from the TG12/ABM side of things coming to us but that is unconfirmed.

Warwick Hunt

Persona Non-Grata
1000+ Posts
Hello. I'm an RAF wannabe from the East coast of Scotland but now live in Glasgow. I'm 21, a student and I grew up from age 6 wanting to be a pilot. However, I'm short sighted so being a military pilot is out of the question for me. Anyway, I recently applied to be an Aerospace Systems Operator and passed the interview and medical and scored well on the aptitude tests. Unfortunately for me, the one area where I didn't score highly on the aptitude tests was the spatial reasoning. My stanine score for SR was only 4 (angry at myself for this) and for Asop it needs to be 5. So on Monday, I received a phone call from the AFCO saying that due to this, my case has been closed. They can't waver me due to recruitment being slowed down to a trickle. Disappointed wasn't a descriptive enough adjective.

The Cpl on the phone said that I should have a chat with him about the possibility of becoming an ATC Officer or a Wsop due to my aptitude scores. I plan to go in on Monday and have a chat and see what my options may be. But having had a look around online, recruitment seems to have stopped across most trades, especially Wsop.

So to summarise, I still plan/hope to join the RAF and have joined the forum looking for as much information as I can gather. I've lurked around for a couple of days and also hope to gain an insight from serving members. I'm aware that the filter interview for Officer jobs is more difficult than the airman interview and that OASC is by no means easy. So if I do apply to for an officer/NCA role then I hope to find some advice here.

I apologise if this should have been posted in the recruitment section of the forum. I'm sure a mod will move it if he/she needs to.

Heya PlanetPyramid,

Welcome first of all... :PDT_Xtremez_31:

You said that you cannot apply for Pilot because of you are short-sighted but then mentioned you are considering WSOP. I thought the eye requirements were the same for all aircrew, is that correct?


Not necessarily. The requirements for Pilot are tight - I will not lie to you. For NCA, they are less so, but are still high. If/when you get to OASC, your eyesight will be tested. If it is within the parameters, then job's a good 'un.


Not necessarily. The requirements for Pilot are tight - I will not lie to you. For NCA, they are less so, but are still high. If/when you get to OASC, your eyesight will be tested. If it is within the parameters, then job's a good 'un.

Got my eyes checked out the other day, yno, just in case.. turns out Ive got 6/5 in both eyes and -0.25 to +0.25 (or something like that)! :PDT_Xtremez_19:


Flight Sergeant
I'm aware that no-one will be particularly interested, but I ended up applying to be an Int An and have managed to pass everything in the selection process. Just waiting on a date for the PRTC and then a start date at Halton. Really looking forward to starting!

Brilliant news :)

It is good to read a thread started by somebody who can construct a coherent sentence, knows what he wants and goes about it the right way. Best of luck in your future career. :PDT_Xtremez_30:


Warrant Officer
Well done mate.... thats the easy bit out of the way then!!

Now if you wanted to write a blog for the recruitment area about your experiences going through PRTC, RTS and Trade Training (ensuring Opsec on this part) to assist others who follow in your footsteps.. please feel free.


Flight Sergeant
I'm aware that no-one will be particularly interested, ...

Well I'm sorry, but you've got that wrong. We've been aware of you for some 16 months or so since your first post. You've had quite some journey since then and I'm sure your experiences, highs and lows, are of interest to all of us. Anyway, welcome aboard and ... I think it's your round. :PDT_Xtremez_30:

Teh Wal

Flight Sergeant
Well done chap, it's that kind of persistence that'll get you what you want. Good luck with the rest of the process.


I'm aware that no-one will be particularly interested, but I ended up applying to be an Int An and have managed to pass everything in the selection process. Just waiting on a date for the PRTC and then a start date at Halton. Really looking forward to starting!

Well done to you! I had a massive setback to my first application for FOA - also on eyesight grounds. Despite this, I start at Halton 2 weeks today in my second choice. I know exactly how you feel to get back up after getting knocked down. Well done, again.

For PRTC: Focus on your fitness, revise your Functional Skills and read your Joining Instructions (when you get them) back to front. Can't go far wrong if you do that and turn up willing to do as you're told. I made a nice big post on PRTC quite recently >>here<< and you're very welcome to PM me (preferably in the next 2 weeks :PDT_Xtremez_28:) and I'll have a chat about what gen I didn't celebrate out of my head!!!

I'm aware that no-one will be particularly interested, but I ended up applying to be an Int An and have managed to pass everything in the selection process. Just waiting on a date for the PRTC and then a start date at Halton. Really looking forward to starting!

Good stuff lad, I'm heading to Halton in February myself.

Now it might be long wait for your PRTC date's, but remain patient as you'll get them eventually. They've already spent £30,000 on you already. They wouldn't have done this if there wasn't a job in the pipeline