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Gordon Browns last budget


Homer's Right Hand Man

The Conservatives are claiming (esp the £6000 - £16000 and over £30000 wage earners), even with the income tax cut, will lose out.

"They giveth with one hand and taketh with the other". :PDT_Xtremez_25:

Cheers Gordon, I might have a Whisky tonight, it's about the only thing you haven't put up (again!).




Nothing for me, don't know why I bother listening/reading, i loose out every year no change there. and I don't smoke

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Road tax on highest-polluting vehicles up to £300 and to £400 from April next year. The least polluting vehicles while have their duty cut to £35.
Can anybody elaborate on the way this works? Is it your engine size, or is it based on vehicle MPG figures or some other criteria.


You all seem to be remarkably calm about the hike in Military spending

£400 Million in light of an increase in overseas deployments like Iraq and Afgahistan....

Won't even pay the admin costs!

Guess we are all just used to being shafted, I smoke and drink wine and drive (not quite all at the same time) so am feeling poorer already, just wait until April when his payrise is eaten up with Rent, council tax and water rate rises!!

My pay rise for last April came through in last months pay packet and amounted to... £35. Not enough for a night out... even in the mess after the budget!
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Rebel without a clue
Road tax on highest-polluting vehicles up to £300 and to £400 from April next year. The least polluting vehicles while have their duty cut to £35.
Can anybody elaborate on the way this works? Is it your engine size, or is it based on vehicle MPG figures or some other criteria.

It will be whatever method yields the most amount of coppers for his Treasury (call me a cynical old fecker).

The sooner I collect my pension, the sooner I will sadly wave goodbye to the country of my birth; thanks to morally bankrupt government and PC laws/legislation.

Homer's Right Hand Man

Road tax on highest-polluting vehicles up to £300 and to £400 from April next year. The least polluting vehicles while have their duty cut to £35.
Can anybody elaborate on the way this works? Is it your engine size, or is it based on vehicle MPG figures or some other criteria.

Try here, I'm still trying to find it myself.



Road tax on highest-polluting vehicles up to £300 and to £400 from April next year. The least polluting vehicles while have their duty cut to £35.
Can anybody elaborate on the way this works? Is it your engine size, or is it based on vehicle MPG figures or some other criteria.

It goes off the emissions based on the manufacturers figures.
If your vehicle is more than about three years old, the manufacturers will probably not have issued those figures.
You'll stay at the old rate.




Snap Penfold, I will be about 58£ worse of unless I get better job then tho wages more, will still pay Gov more so think I'll just stay with pension lol


Next year, the indications are that you will be £583.38 better off.

Current Year Next Year Difference
Alcohol 175.14 185.54 £-10.39
Tobacco 632.37 666.69 £-34.32
Fuel 322.47 332.87 £-10.39
Air travel 0 0 0
Income tax 4574.3 4522.89 £51.4
National insurance 2416.15 2395.25 £20.9
Child benefits 2732.6 2828.8 £96.2
Tax credits 3531.4 4001.4 £470
Vehicle excise duty 142.5 142.5 0
State pension 0 0 0

Blimey..gotta be wrong!!


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Next year, the indications are that you will be £583.38 better off.

Current Year Next Year Difference
Alcohol 175.14 185.54 £-10.39
Tobacco 632.37 666.69 £-34.32
Fuel 322.47 332.87 £-10.39
Air travel 0 0 0
Income tax 4574.3 4522.89 £51.4
National insurance 2416.15 2395.25 £20.9
Child benefits 2732.6 2828.8 £96.2
Tax credits 3531.4 4001.4 £470
Vehicle excise duty 142.5 142.5 0
State pension 0 0 0

Blimey..gotta be wrong!!

It's your tax credits that have made the difference...with us it was the changing of a guzzler to a cleaner one and the 40% tax threshold being raised a bit...Think we will be £85 ish better off.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Take a look at your payslip at the end of the month. :PDT_Xtremez_42:

Add up the Income Tax you have payed, plus the NI contributions. Then look back at the month overall and add on the Council Tax, VAT, Petrol Fuel Duty (+ VAT already paid), tax on your Savings and VAT you have paid on your everyday purchases. :PDT_Xtremez_42:

If like me you get an RAF pension, you can kiss one third of that off in tax too[/]. I was comparing my RAF paychit from 23 years ago and I now pay in tax what I earnt as a Cpl then:PDT_Xtremez_08:

The worrying thing is non of the other political parties are highlighting this tax burden to the Public. :PDT_Xtremez_25:

you must obvioulsy be earning too much I only pay 22% which is the current rate of tax. If the tories had of been in power they would have done the same, they are all as bad as each other, except when Maggie was in who was the worst premier ever, she did more to split this country in two than any other premier.

Lets hope labour can abolish the house of lords.

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
you must obvioulsy be earning too much I only pay 22% which is the current rate of tax. If the tories had of been in power they would have done the same, they are all as bad as each other, except when Maggie was in who was the worst premier ever, she did more to split this country in two than any other premier.

Lets hope labour can abolish the house of lords.

Off Topic There are many contenders for the title of worst premier ever and even in her rather peculiar last couple of years, Maggie doesn't come close. Just in the 20th Century, I can think of Neville Chamberlain ("peace in our time"), Churchill (the 2nd time around, he was senile) and Harold MacMillan ("you've never had it so good").

Maggie did an awful lot of good for this country before things turned sour. Most particularly, she didn't take any cr@p from Brussels, she liked Reagan but was quite happy to tell him when he was talking out of his hoop, she made it possible for lower-income families to buy their own homes, to name but a few of the things that she did.

The House of Lords needs to be reformed, I agree. The blatant croneyism that forms most of the upper chamber these days is a by-product of getting rid of hereditary peers. Abolition would be a mistake, though, the Lords have rejected a lot of stupid bills, particularly during Bliar's early years when he could get anything he wanted passed through the Commons purely on the size of his majority. I think the Lords should remain a wholly appointed chamber, but more should be done to ensure appointees get there on merit.Off Topic

None of this has anything to do with today's budget. Few of us seem to have lost money, none of us have gained anything to shout about. It was the totally predictable "nothing much" budget before Brown moves next door in a couple of months.

Would the Tories or LibDems have done any differently? It's a bit of a moot point. I guess we will have some idea after the next general election.