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Halton and a Car

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Can Do Attitude

Hi guys,

I'm just starting the first stages of my RAF application (got my 2nd AST test on the 5th Nov).

I'm also thinking of getting myself a car within the next couple months, however I was wondering with basic training then your trade training, and your first posting after all that etc, is it worth me getting a car or will it just sit idle for god knows how long?

I know it'll be pretty handy getting to and from home during basic as I live up north but I'm trying to work out if it'll be worth while or not...

What does people think??



I was thinking the same mate I have a car and was wondering whether to sell it and get a little crappy one if I passed all the recruitment stages.

I have my Re-sit on the 19th of November it should have been the 5th but I have got plumbing exams from the 3rd to 17th so I have to wait an extra 2 week :(:(.


Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Go for the car if money allows you will only move all your kit by public transport once to realise the benefits of having your own wheels. Don't forget you will have all the personal gear you arrived with plus every last bit of uniform provided by the queeen to shift from place to place. There is the option of boxing some kit up and getting it moved through the system but the timescales don't always fit your needs and there is also the outside chance it may get lost in transit.


I know it'll be pretty handy getting to and from home during basic as I live up north but I'm trying to work out if it'll be worth while or not...

What does people think??

The RAF will be your home!! You're joining up to get away from home, not see Mummsy at every opportunity. :pDT_Xtremez_31: Stick around and bond with your other course mates. :pDT_Xtremez_28:

A car will certainly be useful, especially at the end of training to lug all your lovely, shiney new kit to trade training.


I'll be taking mine. Providing your flight behave themselves then you'll get your weekends off around 2-3 weeks into training. This would be an opportunity for you to drive into Aylesbury if you need to get any kit that you don't want to be paying shed loads for in the on site spa shop.

You would probably become fairly popular amongst the rest of the flight if they haven't there own transport and would be greatful for a lift.
Just remember to take the required documentation otherwise they won't let you take it onto the camp (a valid MOT, insurance cert, vehicle registration doc and valid tax disc on display)

Also, I too live up north and I found that trains for me where an absolute pain when going home, what with delays and cut off times for night travel.
I once got stranded and had to get my friend to come and collect me, which for them was a 2 hour drive, they weren't best pleased. :pDT_Xtremez_09:

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
I'm sure this falls into the realms of "stupid questions" and will be jumped on by one of the resident old gits before long. On the other hand, I was always taught that the only stupid question is the one you didn't ask but wish you had.

From my perspective, I didn't bother learning to drive until I'd been in the RAF for 3 years - it was a waste of beer chits before then. Others preferred to spend their money on cars than beer.

You won't have much opportunity to get away during recruit training, but for most trades, your weekends are your own during Phase 2. Like many of these things, it's personal choice. Do what suits you.


I'm sure this falls into the realms of "stupid questions" and will be jumped on by one of the resident old gits before long. On the other hand, I was always taught that the only stupid question is the one you didn't ask but wish you had.

From my perspective, I didn't bother learning to drive until I'd been in the RAF for 3 years - it was a waste of beer chits before then. Others preferred to spend their money on cars than beer.

You won't have much opportunity to get away during recruit training, but for most trades, your weekends are your own during Phase 2. Like many of these things, it's personal choice. Do what suits you.

Well that is outstanding advice!

So with a stupid answer to yet another pointless question thread closed
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