Hi Just introducing myself.
I'm currently applying for Personnel Support Officer and have my AFCO interview tomorrow morning! Was directed here by the good folk at Lyneham last week when I went to visit. Just wanted to say a big thanks to those who showed us around you were all a big help and it's much appreciated.
If anyone can be a help for the future as to the training and first postings of a Personnel Support officer that has more than the paragraph on A4 paper that AFCO supply then that'd be great. I know there is a post on the forums about Admin officer (as it was) but I'm still getting to grips with the lingo and I'm not totally sure about it all. Thanks in advance.
Any way better get some sleep.
I'm currently applying for Personnel Support Officer and have my AFCO interview tomorrow morning! Was directed here by the good folk at Lyneham last week when I went to visit. Just wanted to say a big thanks to those who showed us around you were all a big help and it's much appreciated.
If anyone can be a help for the future as to the training and first postings of a Personnel Support officer that has more than the paragraph on A4 paper that AFCO supply then that'd be great. I know there is a post on the forums about Admin officer (as it was) but I'm still getting to grips with the lingo and I'm not totally sure about it all. Thanks in advance.
Any way better get some sleep.