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hello and a request for advice.



Howdy all! I'm 28 considering a change in career. I've been working as an arborist for far too long, thinking about doing something else, armed forces has always been in the back of my mind. This forum is great because it has given me a bit more of an insight to the RAF and not all we give you the moon on a golden plated stick and silk to wipe your arse on crap you get from the recruiters. Its ckear that a job in the RAF isnt economy proof for one thing. I would be looking at a trade - got use the body whilst working, its what its made for, and variation, avionic / mechanic has caught my attention. Is the RAF still taking on new recruits despite the upcomming cuts? I take it all the cool stuff they try and sell to you like paid expeditions and funded trips white water rafting and such have gone out of the window?
My main reason for changing my career is that i'm bored! which now when i think about it is nuts - i travel the world working ion forests and towns, scaring the crap out of myself, out doors all day all weather, its just that i cant see myy self doing it for much longer, tree work is proabably the best way to destroy of perfectly healthy body... and i guess i'm looking for something similar - changing enviroment, physical and mental problem solving, travel etc, but with out having to spend ages wondering when the next contract is going to turn up, not being able to save any money, no pension, jack all if i hurt myself...
So yeah i guess after my rambling that i'm looking for advice, info on what its like being in the RAF today, is it as good, happy and shiny as they say it is on the MOD website??? any help, info would be great.

Harry B'Stard

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Well as far as I'm aware we are still recruiting aircraft techies, but we are all waiting for the announcement on who's getting made redundant... so that may all change in the next few months!:pDT_Xtremez_30:

If you want to be an aircraft techie and you are determined... then stick with it. So many people get side swiped into another trade that they never even considered before.

The comments on this forum are mostly correct. The RAF isn't as good as it used to be what with cut-backs and over management... but the same old camaraderie exists and we still find fun in most of the things that we do.

Best of luck in whatever you decide



Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Welcome fella

Welcome fella

Welcome to the goat, good news that despite hearing all the whinging on here you still want to join.

Most recruiters will tell you the truth to be honest as there's no point getting you in only for you to bang out because it's not what you thought it would be. Recruiting will be tough for a while and you aren't getting any younger. You need to make sure you get yourself ready so that when the trades open you can fly through on your first attempt, fitness and knowledge you can start working on today.

There are other trades and you might want to have a gander of CIS Arial Erector if you've got a head for hights. But don't pick a job just because it's open.

Good Luck Fella