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Hello.... And any advice on fitness


Hello. my name is Hannah. I am hoping to get into the RAF at some point in an officer role. I am currently working on my fitness. I am just finishing a beginner training programme, and will be starting the one on the RAF website in the next couple of weeks.

Obviously this plan is for six weeks. When I have finished this, I need some other kind of fitness plan, as I will not be joining RAF that quickly. I want to be as fit as possible!


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Hi Wench - and an excellent aspiration and approach. Nice to see someone with their ducks in a row.

Your are looking at 2 required levels of fitness in this sort of entry.

1. The Threshold level; this will get you fit enough to pass the fitness tests and reach the threshold required to make the grade. This is all about you, and thus the easiest level.

2. The sustained fitness level; this is alittle bit more arduous to acquire and to maintain. See, the thing about IOT is that it is all about leadership and I can guarantree you that at IOT will not ask you if you think you are fit enough to lead people when your lungs are burning, you are holding down your lunch and your knees are turning to jelly - they will assume you have the maturity to have acquired it yourself.

If you cannot perform through lack of physical preparation, you will either sustain an injury which will handicap your efforts, or indeed they will just fail you because you will be too busy gasping for oxygen and dribbling to lead effectively. Their take on this is that if the troops see you dying whilst trying to lead it sends out all of the wrong signals.

Now, this doesn't mean that it cannnot be done as it clearly has on countless times, but it would be less than fair not to let you in on this secret. Get the endurance fitness level upo for IOT and it makes the whole game way, way easier (and tremendous schadenfreudian fun, to boot).


Hi thanks for the reply. At the minute I would be bordering on the pass for the initial fitness test - however I am aware it will make my life a whole lot easier if I am far better than this test required.

As I will have at least six months to improve things, I want to do as mush as poss!:pDT_Xtremez_26:



Have you heard of britmilfit. I started going in febuary this year and I was really unfit.I sturggeld to run 1.5miles never mind do it in 10-11mins. After only 2months I am running 6miles without stopping( and I enjoy it now) and my 1.5mile time is about 11.30.It also makes exercise fun so give it a try first class is free www.[B]brit[/B]milfit.com

Warwick Hunt

Persona Non-Grata
1000+ Posts

Have you heard of britmilfit. I started going in febuary this year and I was really unfit.I sturggeld to run 1.5miles never mind do it in 10-11mins. After only 2months I am running 6miles without stopping( and I enjoy it now) and my 1.5mile time is about 11.30.It also makes exercise fun so give it a try first class is free www.[B]brit[/B]milfit.com

Good spot my friend. At the end of the day, you can't be too fit for RAF service. Even look at the army careers website as they have a fantastic training programme. The IOT fitness assessment is very tough - as an officer you will be required to be over and above the airmen in your command so the standard in training is high - so the more you can do now, the easier selection and training will be.

It's good to see someone taking a pragmatic and objective approach to a factor which catches a huge amount of people out.

Good luck.


Thanks very much... I am really looking forward to it... I really want to get in as soon as possible. I have looked at the website suggested, unfortunatly there is nothing within striking difference for me, but I have bought a Marines fitness book, I'm thinking that might help me a little bit.

I dont intend to fail the fitness bit!

Reformed Scribbly

If there's no access to activities like the British Military Fitness, you could consider looking for a nearby gym that runs circuit training. That is always an effective way of improving your general fitness as you are in a group which tends to spur people on through natural competitiveness


As I understand it as an officer you need to be fitter than the people you are leading, or at least as fit as the fittest people in your section/flight.
I should aim for a sub 10 min 1.5 miler, aswell as some mid to long distances at a decent pace, say 7-8 min miles for 6-8 miles.


Remember (well it was when I went through) if you rock up Day 4 of IOT for the fitness test and fail they can back course you. Make sure you are well within the required times. 10 weeks spent on RAD/MASH or what ever they are calling it now for fitness is NOT the best way to embark on your military career (that type of thing will stay with you long after you leave the factory).

Passing the initial fitness test (which is now the 1.5 mile on treadmill or North Field if memory serves) is just the start. While IOT is not as demanding as something like JROC or Sandhurst it helps if you are fit. On my Ex MILL AID we did a fair amount of tabbing around Catterick (if memory serves 20miles on day 1), which if you arent used to it can mess you up and possible cause you injury.

Before you deploy on every exercsie you'll do the fitness test (normally 1/2 days before hand) its a H&S thing, to tick the box to say you are fit to go.

The PT you do on IOT will build you up to a decent level of fitness if you arent well within the Green Areas (the assessment for phys). I rocked up at IOT and ran 9.36 for my first 1.5 mile, by term 2 that was down to 8.20. You will be amazed how much 120 (as was then) OCdts line up beside you trying to out do your time will motivate you to go balls out on the run.

Britmillfit, yes great idea for overall fitness but really a bit much for IOT, if you were going to Sandhurst I would say go for it. Just remember to keep mixing your training up, dont run every where at 100mph, throw in some walking with weight at speed etc (cause you wont run with it on IOT :pDT_Xtremez_34:), upper body stuff as well.

Some of my best times on IOT were when I was being thrashed around the North Airfield, carrying Jerry cans up Cardiac Hill, Pine Pole carries etc. Its a chance to switch off from alot of the faff that is at the factory, all you need to do is perform and the PTI's will leave you alone (although I maintain there are programmed in beastings for good measure / shared adversity to help you bond).

Just remember once you leave the factory to keep the phys up, I look at some of my mates still in and they havent, given the world I came from for Phase 2 if we didnt surpass the min requirements then you got thrashed, that being said regardless if you are pilot/ Pers spt officer there should be that personal pride of being within the first to cross the line / last one running the MSFT I think).

If you have any specifics about the phys side of things drop me a PM.

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I have looked at local gyms - there is nothing offered that fits in with my work at the minute (I work a long drive away from home, nothing in gym up the road from work or home that fits in with the times I will be able to get!)


why do you need a gym? There are roads/parks/ towpaths that are free to run/tab/cycle on and swimming baths that do adult only sessions for about £3 for an hour and a half, a set of kettlebells from argos for £20 and some free youtube tutorials gives you good upper body and general all over workout.


Seems quite an interesting post!!! But if you look at OP, I am asking about what to do after the 6 week programme offered by the RAF website!


im sure after doing a 6 week programme your pretty clued up on types of exercise and muscle groups etc so why not make your own personal programme?

Have a nosey around on the internet, fitness forums and the such like you can ask for advice, there are people who will make you a diet and exercise plan to suit for a small amount of cash, or even free if your nice!


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Seems quite an interesting post!!! But if you look at OP, I am asking about what to do after the 6 week programme offered by the RAF website!

Once you know you can jump through the test hoops, go cardio vasc in all its ugly forms (i.e. not just running).

I see you have to drive to work. Consider park and ride (on the bike), swim when you can (its horrible, but a great conditioner) and start to use the quads, calves and arms more - you have to strenghten these because normal life doesn't do that. Go out of your way all the time to make your life uncomfortable on these bits.

If you get to IOT, you wont be disappointed.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
It's great to see someone wanting to do more than the minimum, I think the RAF advise you to keep up the Week 6 programme but this can be a bit limiting if you want to keep improving. Keep a fitness diary and keep upping your levels as you go, as others have said CV is vital but if as your login suggests you are a female you may want to mix in a bit of weight training on your upper body.

Don't do too much but don't be lazy, I too had a long commute but I've changed it from a pure 2 hour drive to a drive train and cycle that gets me doing an hours phys a day, although you have to remember to put effort in when you cycle (I power past loads of people on my Bromie).

Main thing don't do too much too soon, you've got six months so use it wisely