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Hello from the UAS


Hi, I am currently on a UAS (I won't say which but it is the best UAS) and I'm facing a bit of a conundrum. When I originally joined the UAS I thought I wanted to be a Pilot, however I have really enjoyed the infantry training that we do and I think I could see myself in that kind of trade.

However, I don't know whether to go RAF Regiment or Marine. I have reasons for and against each one, at the moment I'm leaning on the Regiment but the Marines do look appealing. I have about 2 months to make my decision when I have to put the paperwork in for a RAF trade, so I'm taking my time with this decision.

Ideally I would like to stay RAF, so the Regiment would seem the way to go. Also I could go II squadron and be para trained and if I got lucky I could do the all arms commando course.
However, the Marines are the BEST. And I don't know if I would regret going regiment down the road as I would always know that the Marines are the 'Big 1'. Also I could go the Pilot route and try and become a Royal Marine Pilot.

So basically, any help you guys could give me would be awesome. And I know I am making some big assumptions here about training and fitness and things, but I'm pretty determined so whichever way I go I will succeed.

(Before any of you say that I can't be an indecisive infantry officer, I know this. However I am taking my time with this decision as it will determine the next 10 - 15 years of my life)