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Hello!... question about joining


Hi Guys! This is my first post on here as I'm a new one!

A little bit about myself: I'm 27, of the fairer sex (!!) and born & raised in Liverpool, though now living in Gosport on the south coast. I love football, photography, swimming, team sports in general, and holidays. I have a fiance and no children, and I'm in a total quandry! ...
Ever since my early teens I've wanted to join a force. I never really considered the army to be honest, so it was always going to be the navy or the RAF.

Just over two years ago I went into my local AFCO in Liverpool, and got some information about both services. Due mainly to the difference in attitude between the RAF & Navy staff, I plumped for the Navy. (First impressions & all that!). It was a close contest, as I have friends & family who've served in both and they were all putting in their two pence worth about which I should go for, and also, I didn't know that initially I could have applied for both anyway! So, my application went in at the RN desk and so I took and passed all the tests & interview and awaited my offer of service. Eventually it came and I got my start date for HMS Raleigh.

So off I went to training, and hell began. I realised what a huge mistake I'd made in choosing the RN, and despite my best efforts all around my distress was showing. This all came to a head when I hurt my leg in PT and the navy doc put me on "light duties" for a whole week... so basically I couldn't do anything beyond classroom work and swimming! (The doc said it was probably a shin splint- after a minimal examination, though despite being a non-medically qualified person I believe it was more like a muscle strain, as after a few days rest and some low impact exercise, I'm back to running most days without any issue).

I made my distress plain to see- and it was genuine. As well as not liking where I was anyway I was now in serious danger of falling behind my classmates, which terrified me. I lost my appetite and couldn't sleep properly, and so after a long discussion with my DI and a couple of other people, it was decided that it would be best all round if I were to be "discharged unsuitable during training". This was almost two months ago.

Now the big question. Given that I was discharged from RN training (albeit with an excellent report on my conduct, organisation, work ethic, etc) would the RAF simply laugh at me if I applied for a job after what happened? Or would they acknowledge that I made a mistake, as people do, and allow me to at least go through the application process & get as far as basic? Ive got my tail between my legs here, so please go easy on me. I'm desperate to correct my error & if i could turn back the clock I'd have been at Halton, not Raleigh.

Thanks in advance for your help, folks! :pDT_Xtremez_19:


Rebel without a clue
I was a training supervisor not long ago and have dealt with many people in similar circumstances to you. If the Navy apply the same legislation as the RAF, I'm surprised that you were not advised that you could give 14 days notice and leave of your own accord if you had completed less than 6 months service. Either way, you will have to convince the RAF that you are committed to a career and that your unsuitability for the Navy was down to poor career choice (or words to that effect) and not unsuitability to service life. Hopefully a recruiter will be along to give more specific advice, but I think you may have to wait a year before applying (to show that you have taken the time to reconsider), but of course time is not on your side given your age and current recruiting quotas.

Sorry I can't be more positive.
From my recruiting days we would often get ex-service people who had either binned out or left on medical terms trying to rejoin. 1st thing required was an original copy of your discharge documents which were forwarded to PMA for permission to process. As a medical discharge your old med docs would be required before an answer could be given. Prepare for a wait but all the reasons for discharge and re-entry should be discussed at length with the AFCO staff AFTER permission to process is received.


From my recruiting days we would often get ex-service people who had either binned out or left on medical terms trying to rejoin. 1st thing required was an original copy of your discharge documents which were forwarded to PMA for permission to process. As a medical discharge your old med docs would be required before an answer could be given. Prepare for a wait but all the reasons for discharge and re-entry should be discussed at length with the AFCO staff AFTER permission to process is received.

Thanks Chief. & do you agree with splitter that I may have to wait a whole year before applying for the RAF? Or would they accept an application sooner than that?

I wasn't technically a med discharge, I was DUDT (discharged unsuitable during training) which I'm told is a separate category... i think, acknowledging that the Navy & I weren't right for each other!

divorced again


I can sort of understand why you chose the Navy as Gosport is primarily a Naval town, I am in the RAF and work alongside the Navy in Gosport.

I am glad I chose the RAF as it was the correct lifestyle for me, I have been fortunate enough to visit several different classes of ship since working in Gosport and I could never see myself working in those conditions.

I think you might have had a lucky escape, I've never worked in recruiting or with phase one but I have instructed Phase two trainees. Whatever you decide, make sure you chose the correct trade for you as once you start training again, you will either have to complete the course or leave the Service once again as re-mustering is just about un-heard of now.

This might sound strange but when I used to teach ground engineers, the first thing I would ask upon their arrival was are they in the trade of choice, you would be surprised how many weren't!!

Good luck with whatever you decide but don't be bullied into a trade you don't wish to be a part of, unfortunately AFCO's have quotas to fill!!!!!



I can sort of understand why you chose the Navy as Gosport is primarily a Naval town, I am in the RAF and work alongside the Navy in Gosport.

I am glad I chose the RAF as it was the correct lifestyle for me, I have been fortunate enough to visit several different classes of ship since working in Gosport and I could never see myself working in those conditions.

I think you might have had a lucky escape, I've never worked in recruiting or with phase one but I have instructed Phase two trainees. Whatever you decide, make sure you chose the correct trade for you as once you start training again, you will either have to complete the course or leave the Service once again as re-mustering is just about un-heard of now.

This might sound strange but when I used to teach ground engineers, the first thing I would ask upon their arrival was are they in the trade of choice, you would be surprised how many weren't!!

Good luck with whatever you decide but don't be bullied into a trade you don't wish to be a part of, unfortunately AFCO's have quotas to fill!!!!!

Thanks for the encouragement, I appreciate that. Yes I do feel I've had a lucky escape in many ways, but I'm gutted that I've had to make such a mistake as I may now have jeopardised my chances with the RAF but we'll see in time! I'm open to trades, I want to go into logisitcs, supplier/driver/caterer that sort of thing. If they want me they can have me!! (not to sound like a hoe!) haha :pDT_Xtremez_42:


Warrant Officer
Logistics/ Supply yes but for Gods sake; if they offer you anything on the catering side i.e. chef or steward, runs for the hills. We see more of that particular trade in my medical centre than any other and usually with a full range of psychiatric issues. It just doesn't seem to be a particularly happy trade group. You could always think about becoming an RAF Medic.......:pDT_Xtremez_30:


Logistics/ Supply yes but for Gods sake; if they offer you anything on the catering side i.e. chef or steward, runs for the hills. We see more of that particular trade in my medical centre than any other and usually with a full range of psychiatric issues. It just doesn't seem to be a particularly happy trade group. You could always think about becoming an RAF Medic.......:pDT_Xtremez_30:

HA thanks for the advice ninja, I've taken note!! No I think I'll pass on the medic thing- I'm not one for blood or bones protruding through flesh...!! :raf:


I decided to bite the bullet & call my AFCO last week about seeing an advisor... So I've got an appointment next week to tell him all about the horrors of the RN & ask very nicely can I please join you lot instead... I hope he's positive!! :pDT_Xtremez_09:


So I went to the AFCO yesterday and got told that having been in the RN shouldn't have any bearing on my RAF application. However, I think I'll have a bit of an uphill struggle given the current economic situation, as the forces can be more selective than ever! So I've got to prove myself- but I knew that anyway!

I was also told (as I expected) that I'll have to wait about another 4 months (6 months from date of discharge) before I can apply. So roll on November!!

I've already begun the process of enrolling as a civvy instructor last week at my local Air Cadet Squadron which is pretty exciting & something I've never had the opportunity to do before.

So far so good! :pDT_Xtremez_19:
Glad things are moving on for you. Would that be 1098 Sqn? used to have to go there a couple of times a year to promote the Air Force when I was at Pompey AFCO. Found some excellent recruits from Gosport despite the association with Rowner. Recruiting was the best job I had in blue and would like to believe I was straight with all my applicants. No BS. At 5'7" I didn't want to meet an unhappy camper at Odiham where I ended up afterwards.


Thanks for the good wishes Chief, & yeah 1098 it is!! based in the old RN submarine school so a decent sized base!

If you were recruiting me (& after having read my first post in this thread, what would I have to do to convince you I was for real about the RAF? I'm totally for it, obviously, and I don't want to mess up when the time comes. Any thoughts welcomed... !
