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Hoping to join the RAFP



Hello all,

I in the application process to join the RAFP and would like some advice from some members who are serving RAFP please.

Since I was in primary school I have wanted to become a police dog handler, and when at secondary school I joined the cadets and thought that the RAFP would be a more direct route to dog handling.

Although dog handling is my 'dream job', I would also be interested in other roles within RAFP. How restricted do you become once you choose an option, say dog handling - is there still a chance to try out some of the other specialisms or are you tied to it forever?

There seems to be a lot of hearsay about a lack of promotional prospects in RAFP, what, in your experience is true story (timescales and numbers if possible)?

Can someone post or pm me a list of specialisms and courses one can do once in the RAFP? Also how difficult is it to get on courses etc. (At 25 I'm going to be a late starter, but would be very keen to complete as many courses etc as possible.

I immagine the AFCO may try to steer me in another direction do to my qualifications, either EngO or Tech Trade, has anyone been in a similar position, but stuck with the RAFP and regretted it?

One other question I have is at what point you become entitled to family accomodation, is it after basic training or after trade training?


Hiya, don't know if anyone has pm'd you but thought I'd post...

Tied to dog handling - not in the slightest, we are encouraged to keep our 'blues' stuff up to date as we could be used in that capacity at any time, especially with manning the way it is at the moment. Plus you can be posted on promotion into a GPD role rather than a dog one, plus once you get more courses and qual's you could request to go to a specific post.

Promotion - varies hugely, depends on your experience, unit, who's writing your SJAR's. We've been advised recently not to stay on one unit for too long as having 4/5 SJAR's saying the same thing from the same person isn't as good as 4/5 SJAR's saying the same thing written by different people. Secondary duties seem to come into it a lot with some people as well. Plus god knows whats going to happen after the SDR.

Specialisms - GPD, SIB, CI, PhysSy, Dogs - Patrol, PD, AES, DD and now HazD. Within all of these you can get various courses, it all depends on what you ask for and who already has what on unit.

I was asked why I didn't want to be an officer due to qualifications, I couldn't be a dog handler was my response, its why I joined, everyone has their reasons and you have to stick to yours. I know people who have joined from civvy bill and don't like it as they aren't as busy or whatever but its personal choice.

I joined at 27 so age has nothing to do with anything, I was even told it would make promotion easier as I had more life experience, we'll see how that one goes...

MQ/FQ's are not available to recruits or trainees so that would normally come into play once you are on unit. Rooms at Halton normally have 8-10 people in them and Southwick you'll be sharing with up to 5 others with your own pod off a communal area.

Anything else, just pm me :pDT_Xtremez_30:


Thanks for your reply - unfortunately I managed to pass the AST for almos everything appart form RAFP - but I'm giving it another go......

So just to clarify your last post you can be a dog handler and also keep up with the GPD work too?

I reckon if I ever manage to get in and work dogs there would be no looking back, but at the same time I like the sound of some of the other specialisms too.

I'm now 26, so hopefully a bit of life experiance will help.....

Now I need to improve my group B score at AST from 58 to 60 - it is so annoying to look at my AST results:

Group Scores: A - 67, B - 58, C - 68, D - 78, E - 59.
Stanine scores: VR - 6, NR - 9, WR - 3, EC - 9, MC - 9, SR - 4

I take it that work rate and possibly the memory test killed my chances?


Can't help you with the tests to be honest can't remember them sorry.

I am a dog handler and the way things are going up here we'll be doing more and more fed stuff as time goes on, there are hours on camp where we are the only coppers so if things happen we're closest and always there to help out the duty copper if needed.

There is no guarantee you'll stay on dogs when promoted so the options for doing other specialisms is there, as are the courses and we need to be diverse in this climate.

Life experience is good in this job, well thats what I've been told - I must admit I did struggle with some of the trainees around me due to the differences in age as there are just some things I don't find big/clever or funny. You need a good head on your shoulders, common sense is always useful too.