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IAM is it worth it?

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Is it worth joining the Institute of Advanced Motorists and doing the test?
I appreciate that your insurance may drop but is it really worth doing?
Any one got any hints or tips about it?
Is it worth joining the Institute of Advanced Motorists and doing the test?
I appreciate that your insurance may drop but is it really worth doing?
Any one got any hints or tips about it?

I passed years ago, phoned up the insurance companies and the only one that offered a discount was one that charged a fortune anyway.

It's little more than a back slapping club.

However, doing the test did help me brush up on my driving and removed some of the bad habits we pick up over the years.

So do the test if you like, it will improve your driving. Just don't expect any special treatment from the insurance companies.
Same as Shugster. Passed many many moons ago, no benefit from any of the insurance companies.

Damn good way to get rid of all those bad habits you are oblivious to though.

Plus, it does sharpen up your observational skills, and make you much more aware of what is going on around you.

Personally, I would make it mandatory.
The IAM does have a bit of a 'flat cap' image about it, but I did the test a couple of years ago simply because I wanted to brush up on my driving skills and hopefully learn some strategies to cope with (i.e. avoid getting entangled with) all the total mongs on the roads. It is of modest benefit to anyone who wants to adopt a smoother driving style and is largely about improving your road positioning, car control and raising your anticipation and awareness of what other drivers may do or be about to do.
There are a few insurance companies that offer reduced premiums for IAM membership but I've found that they tend to be more expensive in the first place. This is a bit odd when an insurance company's business is about managing risk but figures apparently show that if an advanced driver is involved in an incident with another vehicle there is a 95% chance that it will not be the fault of the former.
You may also be aware that ROSPA also do advanced driving courses at three levels.
I did it years ago. Since then I've become a much more relaxed driver and don't get too stressed by the other muppets, white van men or sales reps you meet on the road. I even manage to save a few quid on fuel by driving 'sensibly' and still covering the distance in a reasonable time.
My wife did it about 6 years ago and I've got to admit that she definitely became a better driver and so have I through studying the way she drives (well, the way she drove 'cos she's lapsed back into some bad habits again, bleddy women drivers eh! :PDT_Xtremez_17: )
But does it teach Merc drivers to use all 3 motorway lanes, BMW drivers to find the button that turns fog lamps OFF again and vans/taxis to use their indicators?:PDT_Xtremez_30: