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Is there an AFCO bod that can explain something to a serving CT?

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rest have risen above me

Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts

posting in the recruitment bit is a new one on me. It really should be the resettlement bit...lol

Question if I had 5 Scottish Highers but not the requisite 5 Scottish standard grades, do the highers out trump the standard grades? Or do you still need the 5 standard ones as well?

I ask because junior RHRAM wants to join the Navy (weirdo idea I know, and he will be disowned if he ever brings a sailor home) and they seem to have strange rules (which I know is standard for the Navy). So any AFCO bods help me out here please? PM me and I can explain better.



Helloo,posting in the recruitment bit is a new one on me. It really should be the resettlement bit...lolQuestion if I had 5 Scottish Highers but not the requisite 5 Scottish standard grades, do the highers out trump the standard grades? Or do you still need the 5 standard ones as well?I ask because junior RHRAM wants to join the Navy (weirdo idea I know, and he will be disowned if he ever brings a sailor home) and they seem to have strange rules (which I know is standard for the Navy). So any AFCO bods help me out here please? PM me and I can explain better.Cheers
Hi, I have just left the AFCO after 2 and 1/2 years. Any questions that you have may be answered in the AP3391, the best way to get to it is through the RAF Cranwell homepage, follow the recruiting links.In short, every trade or branch requires the minimum GCSE or Standard grades. Any qualifications on top of this are a bonus. Even if you had a degree in manthematics you would still need the GCSE/Standard grade in mathematics too just to apply. Once you have made an application, then there is a lady at RAF Cranwell who looks at equivalencies (Mrs V Porteous) who may grant educational waivers dependant on the trade/branch.This system is because the recruitment application process is now handled by the CIL (Careers information Line) a civvy company who will do the preliminary checks of eligibility. They follow flow charts and will only check that the applicant meets the minimum criteria.I hope that this helps.