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Java Chat


Tashied Goatee
Having just spent a bit of time on Arrse has anyone tried the Java Chat?

Live chat that works.....I though is was great.....was wondering if it will ever be brought to e-goat...i do hope so.


Tashied Goatee
AndyZ said:
chat room would be a good idea as long as it was properly moderated to keep the scum out

Of course...always got to have a little bit of "Big Brother" :PDT_Xtremez_09:


oo would be like being at home normally.... get ignored just the same!

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Tashy_Man said:
Having just spent a bit of time on Arrse has anyone tried the Java Chat?

Live chat that works.....I though is was great.....was wondering if it will ever be brought to e-goat...i do hope so.

PM Wobbly and he'll give you the answer.


E-goat Head *****
The problem with chat rooms is they seem to negate the need to use the forums, which would ultimately suffer. Also, the majority of our members gain access to e-goat via IGS which cannot use javachat.

If people wanted a chat room I could sort one out though, as long as it wasnt detrimental to the forums and people used it properly.


wobbly said:
The problem with chat rooms is they seem to negate the need to use the forums, which would ultimately suffer. Also, the majority of our members gain access to e-goat via IGS which cannot use javachat.

If people wanted a chat room I could sort one out though, as long as it wasnt detrimental to the forums and people used it properly.
Might be an idea to do a poll and get the members feed back on this, I for one am not a great fan of chat rooms as have always found it difficult to follow the thread of a busy room, but not adverse going in for a chat once in a while, the forums would always be 1st choice for good thought out debate. As long as the chat room is properly policed its a good idea and ive found them really good for having quizzes etc where instant answers are needed.....

Major Geek

The only good reason for a chat room on e-goat as far as I can see would be to remove the drivel that has clogged up some of the threads recently.

Oh Sir made a good point in the POETS Day thread -

Oh sir said:
.....the watered down pish and drivel which has been posted all week on various threads might be discouraging regular serious and proper comedy goaters. I know I've looked on the goat several times this week, but to be honest I couldn't be ars*d to reply to a lot of the flirting, vacuous and just plain old boring sh*te that clearly passes for amusing and interesting chat for a couple of posters. ....


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
As I work all hours of the day and night during the course of my duties and have the ability to have E Goat on in the background I have noticed a pattern...

We tend to get serious, contencious and topical posters in the early to mid morning, then theres a break over lunch then they are back on for a couple of hours mid to late afternoon.

Into the night and the more light hearted, less serious and chatty posters come on until about 0100 when they get tired and it's left to a few shifties and the odd p*ss head. Many of the 'watery' posts that have been alluded to are made then.

With that in mind and with the worry of the goat diluting itself and losing it's focus by having forums ignored in favour of chat I have an idea to throw at you and Wobbly...

Why not have a chat room that goes live at a pre-determined time at night...say 2200 so that people who just feel a bit lonely, fancy a chat or would like to play a word game (one has been running for some time now) can come on and do so without clogging up the forums with lots of 1, 2 or 3 word chatty retorts. This controlled chat time would make it a bit easier to 'police'...And on that subject I reckon Wobbly would need a bit more help if he makes it happen so if you want it you might have to do a bit of work for it!

Over to you.....


best idea yet Vim, gets my vote and if Wobbly needs any help he knows where I am.


Vim_Fuego said:
As I work all hours of the day and night during the course of my duties and have the ability to have E Goat on in the background I have noticed a pattern...

We tend to get serious, contencious and topical posters in the early to mid morning, then theres a break over lunch then they are back on for a couple of hours mid to late afternoon.

Into the night and the more light hearted, less serious and chatty posters come on until about 0100 when they get tired and it's left to a few shifties and the odd p*ss head. Many of the 'watery' posts that have been alluded to are made then.

With that in mind and with the worry of the goat diluting itself and losing it's focus by having forums ignored in favour of chat I have an idea to throw at you and Wobbly...

Why not have a chat room that goes live at a pre-determined time at night...say 2200 so that people who just feel a bit lonely, fancy a chat or would like to play a word game (one has been running for some time now) can come on and do so without clogging up the forums with lots of 1, 2 or 3 word chatty retorts. This controlled chat time would make it a bit easier to 'police'...And on that subject I reckon Wobbly would need a bit more help if he makes it happen so if you want it you might have to do a bit of work for it!

Over to you.....
As to policing I would be happy to moderate a room I have done this before on a civvy site on MSN where we had the power to boot peeps from the room for not following protocols etc. I have also run quizzes in there too.... A fixed opening time is an excellent idea....


Sorry to revive an old thread, but can we have this back? or is Javachat the root of the romanian crash of 2006?

Reason I ask, is because

a) it was fun


b) it was very very very handy whilst deployed and MSN web messenger just wouldn't play. (I bet S2 has found the "quality" of the welfare cabin by now!)

If site security is an issue, you could use something like this

Only problem with that is, it is open to anyone, and you select a user name when entering, but it's functional and free!


England 2010 Campaign
1000+ Posts
Sorry to revive an old thread, but can we have this back? or is Javachat the root of the romanian crash of 2006?

Reason I ask, is because

a) it was fun


b) it was very very very handy whilst deployed and MSN web messenger just wouldn't play. (I bet S2 has found the "quality" of the welfare cabin by now!)

If site security is an issue, you could use something like this

Only problem with that is, it is open to anyone, and you select a user name when entering, but it's functional and free!
Yes you are right it was mate


Flight Sergeant
The problem with chat rooms is they seem to negate the need to use the forums, which would ultimately suffer. Also, the majority of our members gain access to e-goat via IGS which cannot use javachat.

If people wanted a chat room I could sort one out though, as long as it wasnt detrimental to the forums and people used it properly.

unless you received the full java code for the chat room as oppossed to java byte code you might end up ina similar situation to the flash chat aftermath. I agree it would be nice but any foreign(un validated) code you run on the server could lead to another restart of the goat.


I agree it would be nice but any foreign(un validated) code you run on the server could lead to another restart of the goat.

Yup, don't want that to happen again!!!

I been looking around vBulletin.org but seen as I don't hold a valid license for vB I can't download anything.

Completely agree with CM though. If it's something that ties into the database/coding of the site, it needs to be validated coding or it's not worth it!

CM, Would IRC and a mod to "read" it like some java applets do it? Trying to think outside of what we did have.


Flight Sergeant
Yup, don't want that to happen again!!!

I been looking around vBulletin.org but seen as I don't hold a valid license for vB I can't download anything.

Completely agree with CM though. If it's something that ties into the database/coding of the site, it needs to be validated coding or it's not worth it!

CM, Would IRC and a mod to "read" it like some java applets do it? Trying to think outside of what we did have.

That is outside the box, I'm assuming you mean IRC as in Internet Relay Chat, with what kind of Mod, it's possible to create channels on IRC servers and lock them using passwords and assign multiple mods AFAIK(it;s been a while), THe problem is that the applets require certain priviladges to create sockets to listen/talk on and therefore need more than basic access. I would imagine that the other exploit used by the romainians used a priviladge elevation exploit to compromise the database, that or a cross site exploit.


Well not having much luck on vBulletin.org as to finding an IRC reader. but there are a few standalone Java based applets (but that effectively excludes IGS users)

I reckon I'll have to bow to superior knowledge on this one (not being the coding expert that some of you guys are)

I'd like to see chat again, but only if the powers that be are happy it's not going to have another goat meltdown!