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Leaving the RAF

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Ive seen many people leave at short notice, but it was always with the section's blessing and good wishes for the future. When the section actually work out how much productivity you will give them over that period (I'm assuming you will have annual/terminal and resettlement courses, not to mention one-day resettlement briefs that take a day to travel to ;-), and suddenly the 12 months they think they'll get is less than half - with a disgruntled employee!

If all that fails, fail your Fitness Test!

Good luck in your quest to leave.


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What trade are you? Will affect the decision based on manning levels?

Im an Weapons Technician. Someone did say that the recruitment incoming levels are higher than the outgoing levels so they can not refuse me release but I'm not sure what to believe.

I also dont have a clue how long a Gen App takes to get actioned?

Not entirely sure about Wpns Tech trade but I suspect they maybe a little short of tradesmen. If your unit won't allow any gapping and wont release you then you're looking at 90 days minimum to find a replacement and assign in but potentially (probably) up to the waiting time. Seems unfair but if they insist then you're unlikely to get out any sooner.

A Gen App can be processed fairly quickly especially if you hand deliver it to the signatories yourself but seeing as it's Friday tomorrow, there'll probably be no-one in PSF! :PDT_Xtremez_15: