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Lsap rant!



Please some one tell me the e-goat gen... I sat not 3 feet away from COS Pers less than 6 months ago and was assured by his lovely ADC that LSAP was not going upto a max of £15,000 due to the RAF being 'skint' and some lovely blerb about beneficial tax relief yadda yadda, dont wan civvies gettin jealous...... My reply was polite and courteous, ta v much Sir but if ur trying to keep us old sweats in that's not gonna help me (still smarting for having to pay for my mess kit!).

So, neva mind says us lets get the £8500 and add it to our pitifull coppers anyway.... Imagine my dismay when Mr Flossiefoo comes home today wiv some new that LSAP is being increased soon.................Need to go hyper ventilate if this rumour is true.

Yours to my fella egoatians


Master of my destiny
So, you missed the possible upgrade. Your mistake was taking a senior officer's word as gospel, if he did know about the possibility he might not have been able to say as it hadn't been rubber stamped at the time.

The Logitician

Please some one tell me the e-goat gen... I sat not 3 feet away from COS Pers less than 6 months ago and was assured by his lovely ADC that LSAP was not going upto a max of £15,000 due to the RAF being 'skint' and some lovely blerb about beneficial tax relief yadda yadda, dont wan civvies gettin jealous...... My reply was polite and courteous, ta v much Sir but if ur trying to keep us old sweats in that's not gonna help me (still smarting for having to pay for my mess kit!).

So, neva mind says us lets get the £8500 and add it to our pitifull coppers anyway.... Imagine my dismay when Mr Flossiefoo comes home today wiv some new that LSAP is being increased soon.................Need to go hyper ventilate if this rumour is true.

Yours to my fella egoatians

This time last year there were plenty of rumours that LSAP was going to be increased, or being looked into. In the pay review back in April, it stated that the comittee agreed that LSAP was currently insufficent and was going to be looked into being increased this year for the next pay review. From all information/rumours this WILL happen, as i think you have just found to your horror.


Yeh it could be worse!

Yeh it could be worse!

Yep, fellas you are right. Ho hum and at least I only have £8500 to pay back (oh and my hulking geet mortgage!) if I really must see the bright side.

Shame they couldn't have been a bit clearer that things were a changing.....rather than Sorry Sarge but probably not in your Career matey. Then again after 19 yrs you'd think I'd have figured out that this advice may be complete tosh!

So in summary, I COULD have had that Crib with the hot tub and Cristal in the fridge instead of my modest detached 4 bed if I'd only waited a year. Knickers!

The Logitician

Yep, fellas you are right. Ho hum and at least I only have £8500 to pay back (oh and my hulking geet mortgage!) if I really must see the bright side.

Shame they couldn't have been a bit clearer that things were a changing.....rather than Sorry Sarge but probably not in your Career matey. Then again after 19 yrs you'd think I'd have figured out that this advice may be complete tosh!

So in summary, I COULD have had that Crib with the hot tub and Cristal in the fridge instead of my modest detached 4 bed if I'd only waited a year. Knickers!

Oh well tosh happens, atleast you've got your home, i'm still saving my pennies, with my wife trying to spend them, bless her!


Reading through this post in 2011 makes me laugh, whilst finishing off my £8500 LSAP application...


Off Topic ish...Not sure if you are aware of it still in existence that your final payment does not come off you gratuity but off your final pay. I was caught out a couple of years ago, luckily the £300 pay that month was on top of the pay That already had from the new job. It may have been reverted, as most things tend to be.....

Martin Blank

Just found this on a trawl through the forum.
If your worried about your final payment just do what I did and increase your monthly payment by enough to pay it off a bit earlier.
I did it more for the having to pay the extra tax than the early payment reason, but outcome the same.
Well miffed when I realised for the first couple of years I was paying extra tax until ballance dropped below £5000.Only upped my payment by £30 a month which was my incremental pay rise haven't noticed a financial hit and manage to make my repayments within 7 1/2 years instead of 9 1/2.
More pennies in the piggy bank come leaving day.
What I cant understand is the 35p a month payment protection you have to pay!!!!!!!!!