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Med Board explained

Hi everyone

I have finally had my Med Board review for what it was worth...!!!

The process from start to finish is.

1. On arrival you have a H&S brief and sign in at reception, hand in your prelims and take a seat in the waiting room.

2. You have a pre board interview to ensure all your documents and details are correct prior to seeing the Dr's.

3. You will then see a Dr who will go over the background of the problem you have been boarded for i.e cause, treatments, and so on, then you receive a full medical you know the poke and prod type, in your tighty whitey's. He/She then gives His/Her finding to the Med Board President.

4. You are then called into see either the President or Deputy President who then explains the findings based on the medical file and what you have told them during the course of the review and what they themselves have observed of you, and award an PMES IAW the policy they work to. This is a reccommendation and needs confirming by ACOS Manning.

5. Finally you have a post review interview where you are invited to sign some papers about statistics. You will be give your "chit" to show your PMES, and given a few info sheets about who you can contact etc.

Job Done.

In my case my TMES before i was boarded was A4 G3 Z1.
My post board PMES is A4 G3 Z1.

As you can see exactly the same!!!! I battled for something better but it didn't produce the results I was looking for.

I have been told that I am now subject to 3 possibilities after review at the Employment Review Board (ERB) have seen the reccommendation made by the Board.

1. Retention in my current trade with specific limitations.

2. Retention in services but within another trade.

3. Medical Discharge.

So just as i thought it was all over they throw another wait in there for me...

As a different matter can someone give me some advice.

I am having an MRI scan on Friday and this depending on the results could lead to further surgery. As I am due to leave soon if the ERB choses not to re-new my contract I am wondering how I can go about getting financial support after I leave after being unable to work whilst recovering from surgery.

Many thanks Goaters

If anyone needs any info about the process feel free to PM me and if I can I will answer if I know.


that gives me something to look forward to....
am in much the same situation...have something called Grave's Disease, a problem with the thyroid, it produces too much thyroxin and you end up with the shakes, hot flushes, eyes popping out...so basically a menopausal wifey!! Am on permanent meds, got an 18-month review with the med board in the pipeline, whereas in the UK, i will be joining the queue for an op, but will still be med dependant afterward, and just over 2 years left to do as i can't scribble on for 12...
But just to make things a little more complicated, my "amazing" desk Sgt decides to post me for my final one....Aldergrove. Which means going back into the melting pot as far as a consultancy with the civvy quacks go for probably 12-18 months again so i can be assessed all over again, this is my last posting as stated, and as I am just a smallie SAC, no financial aids to get back to the UK other than port to port costs IAW JSP752....so scotland for my gear..which is a family of 4 fully privately furnished quarter amount of gear, and it seems no help from PMA regarding this.
Welfare is as good as ever i see, and before i get pounced on for being a whinger wanting to be close to my parents, i'm 34, parents live in two seperates places, closest 2 1/2 hours away, wifes folks 4 hours away....and really couldn't give a stuff about being posted to NI other than its gonna f~@k my meds up,lose my op slot, and cost me thousands in relocation fees, and travelling back to the UK to find work etc, as i'm not intending to stay with the paddy's....and the fantastic "welfare" crew at HW will not budge, even tho the same day, i chased up and presented what i thought was a pretty good case not to go on this posting....
Thanks for that post, that is the first time i have heard what is involved in a med board despite repeated asking, (med board due in december)

Much appreciated, at least from me it is :pDT_Xtremez_30:


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Med board is just the start

Med board is just the start

Thanks for that post, that is the first time i have heard what is involved in a med board despite repeated asking, (med board due in december)

Much appreciated, at least from me it is :pDT_Xtremez_30:

The medical board is just the start of your long journey, good luck getting what you want, if you do come out contact the RBL asap and get some real advice, do not beleive/trust the SPVA.
The medical board is just the start of your long journey, good luck getting what you want, if you do come out contact the RBL asap and get some real advice, do not beleive/trust the SPVA.

Thanks for that Busby1971, to be honest i have heard so many stories, counter accusations, it seems like an utter minefield!!