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Microsoft Word 2003


SNAFU master
Any Goater out there know anything about it?
Since replacing much of my PC, I've had to start using this version as opposed to Word 97, and it is a real bu**er.

I have a 180 page document with loads of illustrations or pictures which I am amending (for my local spacies) and I keep getting "not enough memory" errors (the PC has 2GB RAM) and "Table error". I cannot find the Open/Repair option, either. Re-booting the machine did nothing. I wondered if it was a clip-board problem, but I don't know how to clean it!

So if anyone can help, I'd be real happy.

The chosen one

Does anything work for you? Freaking disaster area with regard to anything computer orientated.

One thing that never breaks is your keyboard!


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Any Goater out there know anything about it?
Since replacing much of my PC, I've had to start using this version as opposed to Word 97, and it is a real bu**er.

I have a 180 page document with loads of illustrations or pictures which I am amending (for my local spacies) and I keep getting "not enough memory" errors (the PC has 2GB RAM) and "Table error". I cannot find the Open/Repair option, either. Re-booting the machine did nothing. I wondered if it was a clip-board problem, but I don't know how to clean it!

So if anyone can help, I'd be real happy.

Split your document into smaller sections (chapters..) by pasting say 20 pages at a time into a new documents. You have probably inserted the pics in at the original resolution making the document bigger than it needs to be. If it is resources that are running out, there is an option somewhere in word2003 to compress document images.

If the document is corrupt and not simply your machine running out of resources, paste your 20 pages at a time into a new document until it croaks, then half split like a good techie until you find the corrupt part. Replace the corrupt section manually and then paste the rest of the document into the new, error free doc.

My money is on the pics being original size.


Any Goater out there know anything about it?
Since replacing much of my PC, I've had to start using this version as opposed to Word 97, and it is a real bu**er.

I have a 180 page document with loads of illustrations or pictures which I am amending (for my local spacies) and I keep getting "not enough memory" errors (the PC has 2GB RAM) and "Table error". I cannot find the Open/Repair option, either. Re-booting the machine did nothing. I wondered if it was a clip-board problem, but I don't know how to clean it!

So if anyone can help, I'd be real happy.

Without knowing more about what/how you upgraded, WIN version, where docs are saved etc its a a bugger.

What did you update?

Quickies with no real info to go on;-

Pagefile/Swap file size (hard disk space as mem--check)
Running processes (all use memory-kill unnecessary)

Try defragging the HDD. (data is often placed on disk with a shotgun effect, I.E. not neatly, mem is wasted upon opening/amending a doc where data is random.)

Run Word alone. Kill unnecessary programs/processes.

Is all of your mem working? What is it ? 2x 1 GB stick?

Are u using a copy to amend? Always save and backup originals of important docs, and only amend copies, disk space costs f-all these days.

Just how big are the pics etc?

Finally, why not save the large doc into several smaller ones?
Mind you 180 pages is not excessive.
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Any Goater out there know anything about it?
Since replacing much of my PC, I've had to start using this version as opposed to Word 97, and it is a real bu**er.

I have a 180 page document with loads of illustrations or pictures which I am amending (for my local spacies) and I keep getting "not enough memory" errors (the PC has 2GB RAM) and "Table error". I cannot find the Open/Repair option, either. Re-booting the machine did nothing. I wondered if it was a clip-board problem, but I don't know how to clean it!

So if anyone can help, I'd be real happy.

I find that when it is time to change my technology rather than going about the job in the half ar$ed way you have, I go to the shop and buy a system that works. I do not dive inside the box of tricks because I know fcuk all about the eletrickery and magical string therein. I do not then spend the next 6 months asking fcuking stupid questions trying to rectify my fcuk ups!

Try it, it works, you even get instruction manuals on cd or online that tell you how tooperate stuff.


SNAFU master
Without knowing more about what/how you
upgraded, WIN version, where docs are saved etc its a a bugger.

The machine is an Athlon 64. running XP pro.The RAM is in four sticks (dual channel?). The HDD is 160Gb. Up to this screw-up, I had it all working nicely.

What did you update?
All the XP updates as sent by uSoft were duly installed, as were several for Office 2003.

Quickies with no real info to go on;-

Pagefile/Swap file size (hard disk space as mem--check)
Running processes (all use memory-kill unnecessary)

Word 2003 is the only process running, apart from the Desktop, etc

Try defragging the HDD. (data is often placed on disk with a shotgun effect, I.E. not neatly, mem is wasted upon opening/amending a doc where data is random.)

I'll check it, but it was OK a week ago.

Run Word alone. Kill unnecessary programs/processes.
It is running alone, apart from the usual stuff, like F@H and the desktop.

Is all of your mem working? What is it ? 2x 1 GB stick?
As far as I know, yes, but I'll run memcheck/test to be sure. BIOS does not indicate a problem.

Are u using a copy to amend? Always save and backup originals of important docs, and only amend copies, disk space costs f-all these days.
I usually do, but thee was quite a bit of page-shuffling and so on.

Just how big are the pics etc?
It seems to be Tables which are corrupted, for some obscure reason, although some of the pictures are quite big.

Finally, why not save the large doc into several smaller ones?
Mind you 180 pages is not excessive.
I was in the process of splitting the document up, but I have difficulty in getting my head round the face that the original document is Word 97; hardly a different gadget.

No I ain't, but I frankly confess to being a bit of a Bif with my PC and its works. One day I'll have a rant about the PC and Win things.

To Gem:
"I find that when it is time to change my technology rather than going about the job in the half ar$ed way you have, I go to the shop and buy a system that works. I do not dive inside the box of tricks because I know fcuk all about the eletrickery and magical string therein. I do not then spend the next 6 months asking fcuking stupid questions trying to rectify my fcuk ups!

Try it, it works, you even get instruction manuals on cd or online that tell you how to operate stuff.
" /unquote

I had a decent MoBo and decided to built it up myself; and installation of WinXP is not quite the same as operating it. If I could have afforded a whole new PC, I would have bought it (some of us are on a very meagre pension). Most of it worked. I don't regard the questions as Effing stupid. And lastly, the so-called manuals are CR#P, but that's the subject of a different rant.

We cannot all be real experts. . . .
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