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Morale Boosting Xmas Pressie from PMA

Well, thanks a lot PMA, just been on their website and saw the Dec Bulletin:

Eng Tech A SAC/JT to Cpl board has just sat, first 6 months promotion prediction..........................0, that's right a big fat feck all, with guys being made acting Cpl left, right and centre and the biggest rush for PVRs from TG1 that I have seen in my 16 years in and there are no Cpl slots available! :PDT_Xtremez_37:

This perhaps makes sense when you read the next line,
Rigger Cpl to Sgt, first 6 mths promotion prediction = 6
Amount promoted in first 6 months = 30
Total predicted for promotion = 46.

Considering the news from the horses mouth in Aug was they had released the first 40 Cpl to Sgt, WTF is going on.

All I can surmise is PMA have NO IDEA about management OR the info relesed is just bollox, probably both. ******

Well for the guys who got their third in the first big rush, you lucky barstewards, looks like the rest of us is fecked.

Remember a Cpl is for life, not just for Xmas. :PDT_Xtremez_09:


Higher Pay Band Shiney
Yeah, it's bound to be the fault of the PMA. Because they control posts, and budgets, and manpower reviews, and Trade Sponsors etc etc. Get a grip.


You are not the only trade to experiece this and probably aren't the last!!

As Tommo said PMA are not the issue here, they are as p1ssed off as the rest of us about the situation.

The bottom line is ride the storm or get out!!!

Merry Christmas
My point is, how are we supposed to motivate very disillusioned SACs when this is just confirming their feelings of no future in the RAF?

You are not the only trade to experiece this and probably aren't the last!!

As Tommo said PMA are not the issue here, they are as p1ssed off as the rest of us about the situation.

The bottom line is ride the storm or get out!!!
Quote Blah Blah

I know how they feel I was caught up in the Options for Change mess where we were all waiting years for fitters courses, it's not funny and tired cliches will not help my lads when they're ****ed off at 4 in the morning.

I am not blaming PMA, even though I admit my post does look like that but this is not the best news I've read recently.

Funny how the ex-drafter jumps to an immediate offensive defence :PDT_Xtremez_18: :PDT_Xtremez_18: :PDT_Xtremez_18: :PDT_Xtremez_18:


Higher Pay Band Shiney
Not trying to jump to the defence of the PMA, because they have done nothing wrong in this case. I agree that there are lots of p!ssed-off people in the Service just now, but their anger should be directed at the correct areas; in this case it is simply wrong to have a pop at the PMA. All of the well-known initiatives (Options for Change, Front-Line First, DCS etc etc) were nowt to do with the PMA, but it is easy just to have a go at the organisation that tries to fill slots, bearing in mind that they have nothing to do with the establishment/disestablishment/upgrading of said posts. Please undertsand I'm not defending anyone, just trying to ensure the blame falls where it should.
Fair point, however when all is shrouded in secrecy the only thing one can do is rant at the only visible agency.

I redirect my anger at all the agencies you mention, plus the airships and the wankers in government at the moment.

Captain Gatso

This is what the RAF have done by doing this. ONE GUN, FOOT, PULL TRIGER.::/: When oh when are the folks who make these descions going to get a grip. I know this is not PMA's fault. I have to say it here folks, start looking for other jobs. All this B*lls*it is just not worth it anymore.:PDT_Xtremez_06:


This is not good news at all there are some very experienced guys who are NCO's in all but name who will probably walk after hearing this, people walking is just what we dont need right now. Time for a financial incentive for the SAC's /JT's who cant get promoted to keep them interested ?


Master of my destiny
Quote:You are not the only trade to experiece this and probably aren't the last!!

As Tommo said PMA are not the issue here, they are as p1ssed off as the rest of us about the situation.

The bottom line is ride the storm or get out!!!Unquote

I certainly wouldn’t want to work in PMA at the moment, the guy with his finger in the dyke to save the Dutch from flooding had fcuk all of a job to do in comparison.

Have a fecking tired old word with yourself, this phrase, or those similar, are nothing but outdated, boring and have no place to be.

Quote:Fair point, however when all is shrouded in secrecy the only thing one can do is rant at the only visible agency.

I redirect my anger at all the agencies you mention, plus the airships and the s in government at the moment.


That is the problem at the moment. No news, denial about the PVR problem, no stated way forward etc.:S


Just get repetitive elbow strain from calling PMA all the time. The £500K payout should sweeten the lack of promotion.

How can there be no promotion for you guys when everyones fecking off??? Maybe theres a ratio of corporals to SAC's to be kept to, and as all the SAC's/JTs have buggered off, we don't need supervisors for them any more? The RAF wouldn't surprise me!

Humble Scribe

Yeah, it's bound to be the fault of the PMA. Because they control posts, and budgets, and manpower reviews, and Trade Sponsors etc etc. Get a grip.

Tommo. It's about time you realised that you don't work in The Ivory Towers anymore and you can indulge in a bit of PMA bashing every now and then like the rest of us! It doesn't matter if it's their fault or not, it makes us feel a whole lot better knowing that we can blame somebody else for our own predicament rather than having to look ourselves in the mirror and say, "I just wasn't good enough this time." Try it, you may enyjoy it!

Unless of course you're trying to keep in the good books in case you ever need to go back!


Higher Pay Band Shiney
Tommo. It's about time you realised that you don't work in The Ivory Towers anymore and you can indulge in a bit of PMA bashing every now and then like the rest of us! It doesn't matter if it's their fault or not, it makes us feel a whole lot better knowing that we can blame somebody else for our own predicament rather than having to look ourselves in the mirror and say, "I just wasn't good enough this time." Try it, you may enyjoy it!

Unless of course you're trying to keep in the good books in case you ever need to go back!

HS, I'm all for giving them a howking if they deserve it, and as you well know I'm not backward in coming forward when someone needs telling. If they need it, they'll get it. But they are not the root of all evil, despite what many think!!:PDT_Xtremez_31:

And no I'm not trying to keep in their good books, it's probably a wee bit too late for that.:PDT_Xtremez_15:


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Lets hope things will settle when they finalise the manning/posts. I suspect that where the problem lies at the moment.


Somewhere else now!
Well I am thoroughly fcuked off with PMA!
I have known for the last 2 years that I'm getting posted due to SAR going civvie.
Loads of people have had their postings across the flights and we were told by PMA that they would do the whole of SAR as a oner even though the length of time from the 1st flight to finish to the last place to finish is around 6 months. (Jan-Jun/jul-ish)
Before Christmas we'll get our postings we were told.
Loads of fairys/leckies have had theirs at our place. Heavies? None!
Apparently we're entitled to 3 months notice so there's no rush.
Get your fingers out your ar5es and tell us where we're fcuking going! Its been dragging on so long its now starting to pi55 people off.


Techie & Proud
Well i just heard today at ISK there is to be a manpower review post board recommendations of the crash. On each shift right now for ages we have had no manpower (like everyone else) but as the Mighty Hemp Penetrator has been pulled back for now to recupirate I can see all our experienced guys getting posted like what happened at ISL. Right now I one of them in long term post and hoped to maybe get a third out of it but ill be honest It could be prudent to start looking for work outside the RAF. I like many dont wish to move but I will if there is a need too , but with much experience on type I stick around to keep the fleet going and Im happy with that, but they post us NCOs with years experience away where and who is going to fix the jets ? thats what scares me ,people that have no clue on engineering make these decisions, and this leaves many gaps for promotion but yet there not filling posts. Ill say one thing , the triangle ,its not a triangle its an upside down one. Its just all wrong and it worries me


Somewhere else now!
I think promotion will be fairly crap for a few years to be honest. Too many closures freeing up people who need posting into the upcoming vacant slots.
I made the board this year and with 6 left to my 22 I still dont think I'll get picked up unless something drastically changes. There just doesnt seem to be any slots to get promoted into and with dual trading we'll have twice as much competition.
The next board will be rubbish for me as I'll get my posting before it. Then I'll get the 1st new assesment drop in time for the one after.
If I fluke promotion in the next 3 years I'll gladly take it. In my last 3 I'll be concentrating on my future civilian career and qualifications.


I think a common theme to the problems is not necessarily what is happening, but why!

As the example previously, the figures from the Dec PMA bulletin (6 in the first 6 months, actual 40 etc), exacerbate the frustration people feel as there is no explanation.

Whilst I cannot totally disagree with line of 'If you don't like it, get out', it's not exactly inspiring or something which generates pride in the Service, more a feeling of despondency in many, particularly the younger ones who increasingly see little or nor future. And here is thing; whatever the size or structure of the Service in the next 5/10/15 years, these young people are the future. Today is yesterdays future; we don't see to have got off to a good start, do we?

I have said it before on the goat but here goes again:

9 times out of 10, when a situation fails, it is down to communication


I can see the day coming where you either get "streamed" - Fast Jet, AT, rotary. and you'll stay there. Or "ringfenced" to stay on type a minimum period. No frequent moves as there's no more "fat" in the system to alleviate the pressure of long courses. Doesn't bode well for career or personal development. Or will the exit rates for the frequently detached posts mean further changes?

I arrived newly promoted onthe Sqn and by tthe time I'd done TMT, IMLC and a couple of Q courses including a 13 week trade one, it was time for my first assessment.

I was lucky - the first one is the standard one. I feel sorry for guys with a few years under their belt and then have to go through 6 months of courses (if you count the Av/El ones on my type).


E-goat Head *****
Come on lads, we all know this isn't a PMA problem. Lets just look at what the responsible agency (HM Government) has done to the RAF over the last 16 years.

First Lot of redundancies (Early 90's)-
BFG Closure
Front Line First
Second Lot of redundancies (early 2000's)
Third lot of redundancies

and a partidge in a pear tree!!!!

Too much has happened in such a short amount of time that people don't know what the feck is going to happen from day to day.

They feel that they can get away with acting ranks as 80% of the time the lads find that they are acting/unpaid, with the bribe of "It will go on your assessments. now when there are ZERO promotions in their trade what is the incentive to take on this acting rank anymore?

You have the right to turn down acting rank, so do so, because as long as they can stitch you for acting unpaid they are getting a whole lot more from you for feck all. If everyone turns it down they will HAVE to promote people. Simple eh?