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Motor Mileage question

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hope someone can help~i am on home to duty (35 miles) and am due to go on a course of 1 week duration (o on a sunday and return on a friday) soon and have been authorised to use my own car for the journey (150 miles each way)

i wil claim on jpa (plus IE) but just wondered how does this affect my home to duty?

I take it you are not commuting.

What should happen is you put your claim in and answer "yes" to "Has this journey started and finished at your RAW Address".

Your 150 mile claim will then be abated by 35 miles in respect of your HDT.

Your HDT should continue to be paid in full for the month.

I take it you are not commuting.

What should happen is you put your claim in and answer "yes" to "Has this journey started and finished at your RAW Address".

Your 150 mile claim will then be abated by 35 miles in respect of your HDT.

Your HDT should continue to be paid in full for the month.


Sorry so I read this to say that I would lose 35 miles off my claim each day yet there is the contributary factor for HTD. Surely we dont contribute towards commuting to a course? Also is it the same pence per mile for HTD as a course?
It would be abated by the number of miles you are paid for. JPA is clever enough to work out what should be deducted!
Come on get it right, if the OP is paid 35 miles HTD then he is travelling 70 a day, his claim should be reduced by 70 (less any personal contribution so 52 or 68 depending).

The abatement comes about because you are already being paid that amount for a days journey, even though you wouldn't have been driving to work on a Sunday. I made many a claim in my last job and I could never work it out from what I was paid.

Many Moons ago when I was at Cott I wasn't allowed to claim from my home address on det that required me to virtually drive past Cott on my way there for one reason or another that allowances appeared to have made up and then they abated my travel claim by my HTD mileage as well because that was another rule they had read.