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Offensive Fancy Dress?

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Who hasn't done this or worse and not given it a second thought?

AN ROYAL Air Force (RAF) flight lieutenant has been accused of offending his colleagues after 'blacking up' for a stag party in a Cool Runnings-inspired costume.

It was thought John Hendstock, 28, who is a senior air traffic control officer at Brize Norton in Oxfordshire, may have breached RAF rules after the stunt in Liverpool, reported the Mail Online.

Why do people insist on putting everything on faceache and other social media. Dont they know it will come back and bite them in the Harris.
I once went to a party as a klu klux klan member in Cyprus. After feeling foolish for making sure I smiled for the group photo (I had the mask on). I then had the awkward situation of going to Mom's bar. Fortunately take off the mask make the noose into a belt and hey toga party time.
I went as Garry glitter on brize and my mate browned up and went as a Philippino boy complete with ripped football shirt. Just needed a moped!
How's it racist to dress up as a black dude?

The only reason I haven't went to a fancy dress as Phil Lynott yet is because the missus doesn't trust me to come in hammered and not get cam cream all over the pillows.

I think it's more racist not to, inclusion and all that....
Who was offended? Did someone actually come forward and make a complaint? Or is this a case of someone being offended on someone else's behalf?
Glad to see no action is being taken, misjudged maybe, offensive no.
Half of the audience was blacked up on some occasions in the Eyrie Bar on a Saturday night. No race hate was ever intended or caused by it from what I heard. Takes a special kind of ****** to complain about that sort of stuff.
It's seems to be a news site targeted at a certain audience.

Sent from my D5503 using Tapatalk
By the sound of things, the Flt Lt in question had completely ignored all the recent guidance and instruction from up on high, about 'locking-down' your FB pages etc, so that they can't be seen by the GenPop - from the way the article reads in the Daily Fail (online), they were able to go onto his profile and trawl through all his previous posts, photos, friends, etc.

He (quite rightly!!) hasn't got into trouble for this - let's face facts, it's hard to impersonate a Jamaican Bobsled Team without applying makeup, unless you already have dark skin - but perhaps he needs a good knuckle-rapping for p!ss-poor PerSec/ComSec/InfoSec!!!
Luckily, back in the 80's and early 90's Facetube wasn't around - if blacking up causes some offence the papers would have had a field day on some of the people that showed up at the bad taste fancy dress parties I might have been at along the way...

I have vague memories of someone modifying an old mattress, adding string and red paint + gunge to appear at the party as a used tampon, many accident victims and some just too bad taste to mention

Also recall a santa and fairy Crimbo party at Wittering where a suspiciously large percentage of the rugby club went as fairies - somewhere there is a picture of me in crash boots, white stockings, pink leotard, blue tutu, silver wings and a wand - the same wraf that made the wand and wings for me also did the make up and took the picture just before the event (hopefully she has lost it now - it was a polaroid, one copy and no negatives to bite me afterwards!..

I'm sure facetube and cameras on cell phones have stopped people having as much fun as we used to...
Blimey, in the late 70s I went to a "Go as someone famous" fancy dress in Wickrath blacked up as Bob Marley. No racism intended, I just liked his music.
Wroughton hospital circa 1993 found me at a bad taste party dressed in bloodstained white doctors coat holding a bucket full of rotting tomatoes with a rusty coathanger sticking out of it. The wording on the back of the coat stated 'Abortionist (under training).