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Old Information.......

I am getting fed up of asking for advice from departments, who then point you to a certain web page. You take the time to seek out said webpage and it is out of date by a year... literally zero help......anyone else find this?cup of corrrfeee


Anything to do with the RAF Manning/Promotion website on DII? That site is as much use as tits on a fish!


The current one I like is: This page is no longer used..... click on the link below to be directed to the new MOSS site...... 'click'........ this page is currently under construction and is not available..... same message for 6 months!


Can you expand on that? Which specific information were you looking for?
I will attempt to answer on behalf of the OP.The promotions website for some trades and some ranks is 2 years out of date, bearing in mind this also includes the promotion quota and A B+C numbers and the board president's comments all of which which are very useful to SP and ROs.

Humble Scribe

I will attempt to answer on behalf of the OP.The promotions website for some trades and some ranks is 2 years out of date, bearing in mind this also includes the promotion quota and A B+C numbers and the board president's comments all of which which are very useful to SP and ROs.

There's a lot more information on that website than just promotion stuff so I would suggest the comment that it's utterly, utterly useless is wide of the mark. I know the president reports are missing for the last 2 years but current quota's are there in the schedule tab from memory. In my opinion, the quota's and predictions are fairly useless information anyway as they are often wide of the mark for various reasons and can set false expectations.

If you need that specific information speak to the Chf Clk or Unit Career's Advisor, they will have that info at their fingertips.


Going back to the OP's opening comment, Yes I totally agree that web sites should be current with the latest gen available. If it cannot be maintained properly, don't be lazy.......get rid of the F'ín thing! (and don't refer people to it).

I currently control some web sites for clubs I belong to and always ensure that the data is changed/updated to reflect the latest.

If run / administered properly, sites are of use, if not........


Manning website, or Air Command (A1 Ops) website. Utterly, utterly useless.

WB, for what it's worth I don't like that comment. Sounds like the pongo officer's comment about the RAF in Afghanistan a few years back. If you don't like it pal (and you are still in) STFU and serve your country proudly in the RAF. You have already stated you are marking time till your 22 is up, well how sad. No wonder kids are leaving in droves. Because their commanders are not fulfilling their duty and keeping them in. Wearing the rank, picking up the money but not doing the job.
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WB, for what it's worth I don't like that comment. Sounds like the pongo officer's comment about the RAF in Afghanistan a few years back. If you don't like it pal (and you are still in) STFU and serve your country proudly in the RAF. You have already stated you are marking time till your 22 is up, well how sad. No wonder kids are leaving in droves. Because their commanders are not fulfilling their duty and keeping them in. Wearing the rank, picking up the money but not doing the job.
Yes that's right, kids are leaving in droves because WB has pointed out that certain RAF websites contain out of date information. It's nothing to do with the way the RAF and the "package" have changed and become less attractive, by the way it is not my duty to keep people in a job that they have decided is not for them.


Warrant Officer
WB, for what it's worth I don't like that comment. Sounds like the pongo officer's comment about the RAF in Afghanistan a few years back. If you don't like it pal (and you are still in) STFU and serve your country proudly in the RAF. You have already stated you are marking time till your 22 is up, well how sad. No wonder kids are leaving in droves. Because their commanders are not fulfilling their duty and keeping them in. Wearing the rank, picking up the money but not doing the job.

So are you effectively saying 'suck it up and deal with it'?... and you wonder why people are leaving in droves.

If this website is out of date, whoever is responsible for it, should either take it down or update it... its not difficult surely?
WB, for what it's worth I don't like that comment. Sounds like the pongo officer's comment about the RAF in Afghanistan a few years back. If you don't like it pal (and you are still in) STFU and serve your country proudly in the RAF. You have already stated you are marking time till your 22 is up, well how sad. No wonder kids are leaving in droves. Because their commanders are not fulfilling their duty and keeping them in. Wearing the rank, picking up the money but not doing the job.

It's guff like this that made me realise redundancy was the right step 10 years ago. Attitudes were poor back then but quite clearly time has made no change.
WB, for what it's worth I don't like that comment. Sounds like the pongo officer's comment about the RAF in Afghanistan a few years back. If you don't like it pal (and you are still in) STFU and serve your country proudly in the RAF. You have already stated you are marking time till your 22 is up, well how sad. No wonder kids are leaving in droves. Because their commanders are not fulfilling their duty and keeping them in. Wearing the rank, picking up the money but not doing the job.

Typical 'old school' attitude of someone sat safely with their full pension with outdated rose-tinted views of an RAF that has long since faded away.

If the page is out of date but is being promoted as a source by unit HR then it really is utterly utterly useless and I really don't care if you don't like that opinion because, to be honest, it does not affect you any more.

Back on topic - that page is a mess! I can only assume it was someone's 'associated duty' who er... PVR'd? :0


Flight Sergeant
WB, for what it's worth I don't like that comment. Sounds like the pongo officer's comment about the RAF in Afghanistan a few years back. If you don't like it pal (and you are still in) STFU and serve your country proudly in the RAF. You have already stated you are marking time till your 22 is up, well how sad. No wonder kids are leaving in droves. Because their commanders are not fulfilling their duty and keeping them in. Wearing the rank, picking up the money but not doing the job.

I don't want to drag this out longer than necessary, but felt an urgent need to respond - you seem to have drawn some conclusions about me, based on minimal information (not wise), as well as making some other (quite frankly, bizarre) comments. Allow me to correct you.

Firstly, you are not required to 'like' my comments - they are my opinion and I am free to share it, just as you are free to share yours. The fact that poor website maintenance upsets you so much that you see fit to have a stab at me, makes me wonder whether you have something to do with it?

Secondly, 'STFU and serve your country' is a poor response to any scenario, and has a lot to do with the poor state of today's Armed Forces as a whole.

Finally, personal / professional pride will keep me doing my job to the best of my ability until my last day in, regardless of how useless the websites are, or how rediculous the decisions made by our commanders. Just because I've decided that I no longer need to strive for promotion, does not mean that I will stop being damn good at what I do (which is everything. So there.).

Humble Scribe

The presidents reports and previous numbers of promotions are useful information though, and should be on there!

So on closer look, some of the information is there but not presented correctly; some boards may be titled 2104 but they are the most recent boards held in 2015 - others are out of date information but should be updated shortly. There is a web feedback button that gets sent directly to Manning Staneval so if you have got a complaint to make or constructive feedback then I suggest you use it and make your observations - some people already have!


I can attest to the manning website feedback working.

Was after some promotion board information-page relating to that information had not been updated in some while so used the feedback button. Got a reply the next working day and the relevant information was put on the website.

The system works...this time


A website of that nature shouldn't really only be updated when someone prompts the keyboard-jockey in charge to do so though, should it? It's great that they respond to feedback and all that, however in "modern speak" as I see it, they should be being proactive, not reactive...


Flight Sergeant
A website of that nature shouldn't really only be updated when someone prompts the keyboard-jockey in charge to do so though, should it? It's great that they respond to feedback and all that, however in "modern speak" as I see it, they should be being proactive, not reactive...

You're right - it should be updated daily, particularly if it's something that people are referred to for 'up to date' guidance.

Another failing of the current manning dilemma, perhaps? Not enough people to make it someone's full time job?