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Panic Attacks?

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I appreciate that this might not be the best place for medical advice, but i thought i'd have a go anyway..

Ok, how to start...

Basically when discussing certain topics I start getting what i feel are panic attacks that make me go very light headed and dizzy, cold sweats and things go a bit fuzzy today i even feinted for a few seconds...

Its a problem i've had since school when talking about more gruesome subjects, things such as shattered bones or even abortion or what not. Its weird though as im not squeimish and i can look at pictures of blood or broken bones, its more talking about it and the mental images that occasionally trigger me off.

People tend to assume its because i've drank too much the night before but to be honest it can happen regardless. I thought this would be something that would go away over time as i got older, but im 23 now and things havent really changed much.

Whats worrying is my brother occasionally feints at work under high stress, but with me its not stress really, more so a few topics being discussed where i have perhaps a worse mental picture if that makes sense. Im just worried about it being diabetes or something like that, but surely it would be a more common occurance?

If anyone medical can maybe shed some light i'd be gratefull...

Speak to you SMO if you feel a bit worried about it. It's not like he/she is going to laugh about it.

It could be just a phobia or something. For some reason I have a thing about my collar bone. Never broken it or anything or had a bad experience but taking about it or someone touching me there makes me want to throw punches. I can't even stand having a car seatbelt over it and tend to push the belt down my shoulder a little. Even just typing this now is making me tug my shirt collar away and feel a little awkward.

For me it's just a bizarre phobia, just as some people hate heights. It's completely unrational but something in the brain causes it.

Big difference is that for me it doesn't affect my life. But if it did I'd be down to see the SMO. It's not worth letting your health suffer out of embarrassment.