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Paramedic joining full time?



Hello everyone

This is my first post and im curious to know everyones opinion on this idea, sorry if im repeating something that has been said before!

I'am a HPC registered Paramedic with the Ambulance Service. Recently I have become more and more interested in the role of RAF Paramedics. Just wondering what peoples opinions are for joining full time as a Paramedic?

In my position as a full time Paramedic I feel the full extent of my skills are rarely used and im looking for a new direction in my career. Just wondering if anyone knows of someone that has transfered from the ambulance service to the RAF?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Warrant Officer
Hello everyone

This is my first post and im curious to know everyones opinion on this idea, sorry if im repeating something that has been said before!

I'am a HPC registered Paramedic with the Ambulance Service. Recently I have become more and more interested in the role of RAF Paramedics. Just wondering what peoples opinions are for joining full time as a Paramedic?

In my position as a full time Paramedic I feel the full extent of my skills are rarely used and im looking for a new direction in my career. Just wondering if anyone knows of someone that has transfered from the ambulance service to the RAF?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



You ever thought of being an Auggie (part timer)? There's an ex Para (Falklands Vet) who's a full time Paramedic and is an Auggie. He's now out in Afghan and is on the MERT team.


Rex Craymer Man of Danger
Staff member
I would try 4626 based at RAF Lyneham which is where the Paramedic mentioned was from we served together at Camp Bastion and he came home a few months ago. He was replaced by another RAF Aux paramedic.

As far as I am aware should you join then you would still have to do the RAF Medic training as a large amount of it deals with Med admin and RAF specific issues, you would then have to serve time in a Med Centre and do the relevant courses you can not just join up and then be leaping out of a Chinook the next. There is also the small matter of being accepted and basic training to pass as well.

Speak to the Careers Office and contact 4626 (address on the RAF Website) before making any decisions


Thanks for the replys everyone.

Just wondering is there any advantages in going in full time rather than aux?

Also I realise im not going to simply walk into the RAF and ive already started to prepare for training as a friend who is a linguist in the RAF has told me the physical requirements. What admin roles do the medics undertake?

Thanks again



Think medical secretary, with a small amount of clinical duties (basic heights, weights, blood pressure, dressings etc).

Only benefit to going full-time is the totally different lifestyle and pay/pension that regular service offers. If you want to continue whizzing around the streets to Cat A blocked noses, and do a bit of warzone paramedic work in your spare time, go 4626.



Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I would say go Oggy, see if you like it and progress from there to maybe a more permanent position...Try before you buy if you like...

Trusty Adjusty

I would say go Oggy, see if you like it and progress from there to maybe a more permanent position...Try before you buy if you like...

Agree with VF, full time military service isn't for everyone and can be harder for those that have come from a position of responsibility in civilian life like yourself.

Speak to the guys at the RAuxAF and give it a go, If you feel like you want to get amongst it on a full time basis at least you'll know what you're buying into.

Finally, best of luck with whatever path you choose, the RAF and indeed RAuxAF is completely different to anything you have and will ever experience on "civvy street", I wouldn't swap any of my time and you won't find many who would.


Cheers everyone for your replies they've been really helpful.

Got an appointment at the careers office on Friday and as we live about an hour from Lyneham will give it a go.

Cheers Again
